The Order of the Order of the Phoenix

We're going to talk about the book, new movie (coming out in...*whips open cell phone & goes to Countdown* 314 days), the members of the Order of the Phoenix (the book members, not us), and Snape's betrayl.
I KNOW I can't believe they're completely cutting out the quidditch in the movie. I mean, there are a few storylines that rely on the quidditch aspect! "Weasley is Our King", Ron even making the team, and then the small stuff like the use of "weasley is our king" for the code if Umbridge is coming...*sigh*

How close do you think Professor Umbridge will come in the movie to her character in the books? I'm honestly a little anxious to see that, and I hope that the actress manages to inspire the same feelings of despise and hatred in movie-goers as the character does in the books.
Yeah, me too! I mean, Weasley is Our King is basically one of the main storylines about the students at Hogwarts!

On the Umbridge note - I agree. I mean, I want to be afraid of Umbridge! I really want to jump out of my skin just looking at her. I got queasy just reading her name in OotP, and I want to imply the same feeling while watching the movie. (Oh, by the way, Umbridge makes [a] apperance in book 7!)
QueenSusanofNarnia said:
Yeah, me too! I mean, Weasley is Our King is basically one of the main storylines about the students at Hogwarts!

On the Umbridge note - I agree. I mean, I want to be afraid of Umbridge! I really want to jump out of my skin just looking at her. I got queasy just reading her name in OotP, and I want to imply the same feeling while watching the movie. (Oh, by the way, Umbridge makes [a] apperance in book 7!)

I know...I hope Jo has some horrible fate for her planned *grins evilly* or like, she gets sacked from the Ministry...something like that...

One thing I don't understand about the producers/writers' choices about what they carry from the books to the screen is that I can tell most of the time they are trying to focus on a.) the MAIN plot..subplots are often completely ignored, much to my annoyance and b.) school seems they are trying to give it a "real" feel, trying to make connections between kids at hogwarts and kids in school today...

for example, one of the subplots that they ARE adding is the Cho/Harry little duet thing..the kiss in the Room of Requirement, etc. It wouldn't surprise me if they put quite a bit of emphasis on that, even though in the book, it wasn't such a large story point, though pretty important if you're reading harry's story about his life at Hogwarts.

and some things that I don't understand...WHY OH WHY do the filmmakers feel the need to ADD stuff to the movies that are NOT in the books?? or change the storyline? I mean, I totally get that they've got a limited amount of time frame to work with, but still...In GOF, they omitted the storyline/character of Bagman completely, but to make it simpler they had this whole thing about Barty Jr. doing that weird tongue flick thingy, and that was how suspicion was aroused in the movie.

About the Harry/Cho kiss - I think they're putting so much emphise on that because it's Harry's first kiss. He's growing up now, and they want the audience to see that.

I was on Mugglenet, of course, and found this:

New 'Phoenix' set pics
Another batch of Order of the Phoenix set pictures recently surfaced online, and although we've seen a couple of these before, they're in much higher quality. They show filming at Virginia Water, where, presumably, the scene in which McGonagall is attacked by Umbridge and co. is being shot. In the photos, we catch glimpses of Natalia Tena (Tonks), David Yates, Martin Bayfield (Hagrid's body double), Tom Felton (Malfoy), and Maggie Smith (Prof. McGonagall) reading The Daily Prophet which bears the headline, "He Who Must Not Be Named Returns."

View the pics here.
Cool pics! :D

Well yea, thats what I mean, of course the filmmakers would put emphasis on the Harry and Cho storyline because its got to do with the natural things that teenagers go through. :)
i don't like the goblet of fire movie to much because it like the put the book though the blender and just took out the "main" point; which they didn't get all of them anyways they got what three "main" points? i think the movie cool but it doesn't have hardly anyhing that was in the book was in the movie; which is SAD!!! :mad:
Have you seen the still of Harry and Cho kissing? :D So cute. Even though I hate Cho. It aggrivated me the way she cried all the time when Harry was going through so much.