The Servant and the Eye

oxford girl

New member
this is the sequel to The Mystery of the Princess.This takes place 100 years after The Mystery of the Princess ends. All of the people are made up by me and this is completely fictional

She had know the story for as long as she could remember, she didn't know who first told her, but here she was, hearing it again.
"Marlenna are you listening."
"What, oh yeah, I'm listening, and please just call me Mar, I don't like Marlenna." For the hundredth time Mar listened to Kara, her aunt, tell her the story.
"Well scene you weren't listening I'll start over," Kara said.
"Why," Mar asked, "I know the story. Years ago, before I was born, a beautiful woman came from the north and stole the King's heart. A few months later they got married, despite many protests. In a year the Queen was going to have a child, but both her and the baby died. The King was heart broken, so he went on some stupid quest. He never came back so now his closest friends rules." Kara looked at Mar, she was impressed.
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*authors note- it will get vary interesting soon, after the beginning is over, here is more*

"Vary good, I see you have been listening, and it wasn't some stupid quest," Kara said. Mar rolled her eyes, "what ever, I still don't see what it has to do with us, I mean we live in this little shack in the middle of the woods." Kara shook her head, she heard the same thing every time she mentioned the story.
"Mar we live here because if we lived in town you would be married and I would be lonely, and you need to know the history of your country." Mar grabbed a pall by the door. "Fine, keep your secretes, I'm going to get some more water." Mar walked out the door and closed it behind her.
She looks more like her mother every day, and acts like her to. It's hard to believe that she will be nineteen soon. Kara sighed, Mar was growing up to fast. A few minutes latter Mar walked in, her long brown hair clung to her face, she was soaked.
"Did you fall into the well," Kara asked as she stared at Mar's clothes.
"No," Mar said, her brown eyes sparkled, "it's raining." Kara walked over to her, laughing, "I will never understand why you like the rain so much but you had better change. I'll wipe up the floor." Mara smiled and ran off to her room. A few minutes later she came back, dressed in dry clothes and carrying her wet ones. Mar hung them in front of the fire and sat down.
Hehe :p Silly Mar

lol, yep, the story get sad soon

"Kara," Mar said as she started to warm up, "what was the quest about that the king went on." Kara walked over to Mar, she sat down across from her. Kara pulled her dark hair back, she green eyes shown. Mar knew this was going to be good.