The Witch's Daughter - A Narnia FF


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Okay, this takes place after LWW, but before PC, when Peter is 17, Susan is 16, Edmund is 14, and Lucy is 12.

Comment, and I will post!! Or, I'll write, then post!!

“Huh. It really is here.” Peter said.
“Perhaps you should learn to trust people.” I said.

“Perhaps you should learn to listen to the king.”

“Perhaps you should-“

“Stop bickering, you two! It’s getting annoying.” Edmund said.

“Yes, your majesty.” I bowed my head.

Peter grumbled something and continued on his trail. I followed close behind, being his servant and what not.

Being Peter’s servant was… aggravating. He was stuck up and annoying… but those were his good attributes. Why anyone would admire him was beyond me… although most of his subjects did admire him.

I stood next to Peter’s throne, not moving a muscle, not saying a word.

This is what I do all day; wait for Peter to have a stupid whim which I must grant. And, of coarse, getting into the occasional argument, which weren’t occasional in the least.

“Anything you would like?” I asked.

“Yes.” he answered almost immediately.

“Figures…” I mumbled.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“That you always want something.”

“I didn’t even say anything until you asked.”

“I’m required to ask!”

Lucy came in, the 12-year-old skipping happily.

“Your highness!” I said, bowing.

“Now, now, Jill, no need to be so formal.”

“Not formal, Lucy, respectful. Someone should be.” I said, glaring at her 17-year-old brother. He smiled.
Thank you. I'm trying this out and it's a little hard and you can say that it's a little AU (alternate universe) but it's the only way I can fit it together.


I sat down on the floor like a child, smiling brightly.

“So he smiled and started counting.” I looked over at Peter, who was smirking at the story. “So I ran off to hide, and right as I was about to hide in the curtains, Edmund pushed me out of the way. Jerk. And so I went to hide in a room, and that’s when I saw it... the wardrobe.” Lucy looked at the sky, smiling.

I listened as Lucy told the story of meeting Mr. Tumnus, and the rest of the Pevensie’s not believing her.

“You know, Peter, you really should be more open-minded.” I said.

“You know, Jill, you really should be more-” Peter was cut off.

“Oh, stop it, you two! Always with the fighting!” Susan yelled. Peter and I turned away from one another. “You two are such children.”

“I’m the High King!” Peter protested.

“That’s what makes it all the worse!” Susan said.

“I’m sorry, your majesty.” I said, bowing to Susan.

Peter walked out of the room. “Suck up.” me mumbled.

“Jerk.” I mumbled back.

I listened as Edmund told me of meeting the White Witch. We were outside, watching Susan and Lucy in target practice. I poured a drop of the green liquid in my pocket onto the ground and handed Edmund the newly made Turkish delights as a joke.

He laughed. “And then she said… that she didn’t have any children…” he trailed off, looking at me.

“A ploy to get a son of Adam, Edmund.”

“I know!” he said. I chuckled.

The conversation ended when Peter came out from the castle. “Don’t eat those Turkish Delights, Edmund. It could be a trap.” he joked.
I walked out of Cair Paravel, meeting Jack outside. I ran my fingers through this mane. “Hungry?”

“Yes, actually.” he said.

I poored a drop of my special liquid onto the grass, producing an apple. “Here.” I said kindly, holding it up for him.

He ate the apple from my hand. “You’re very kind, Jillian.”

“Not really, I cater to your whims and you give me a ride. It’s a fair exchange.” I said, jumping onto the horse’s back.

“Always making others happy. Me, Peter… do you ever think of yourself? Do what you want?”

“I did, Jack. That’s why I’m here.”

“You haven’t done something for yourself in 4 years…”

“Don’t worry about it, Jack.” I said as we arrived at a small shop. I jumped off the black horse and smiled. “I’m okay.”

I ran in and grabbed the outfit Peter sent me to retrieve. But before I could pay for it, the dwarven woman at this counter told me that it was fine, since it was for the High King.

I got back on the horse, and we rode back to Cair Paravel.

“Thanks, Jack!” I yelled, running toward the door.

“Not an issue, milady!”

I threw the green outfit into Peter’s lap, and headed for the door.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“Lord Edmund would like to see me. But if you need something…”

He pursed his lips, as if contemplating saying something, but didn’t. He shook his head.

—Peters P.O.V—

“Lord Edmund would like to see me.” she said.

Yes, of coarse. Edmund. He fancied her, it seems. I don’t understand why – but he did.

“But if you need something…”

I shook my head

— Jill’s P.O.V—

I walked down to where Edmund was, on the beach with Susan and Lucy. He stood there, two swords in hand, smiling in an almost evil manner. I laughed as he handed one of the swords to me.

“You can’t me serious.” I said.

“I am.” he said simply.

I picked up my sword and swung it at him. He blocked with his.

—Peters P.O.V—

I walked down to where my familt was. I wondered a little at what Edmund had wanted Jill for. I reached where Susan and Lucy were watching something, and sat beside them, turning my attention to… Emund and Jill fighting on the sand. She was good, alright, not a match to Ed. Certainly she wouldn’t be a match to me.. but she was good.

She distracted Ed for a moment, winning the practice battle. He glared at her… and then smirked.

“Hey, why don’t you fight someone better than me? Peter….” he looked to me.

“No.” me and Jill both said at the same time.

Edmund handed me the sword. I glared at him.

We fought, for what seemed like forever. We knocked eachothers swords out of our hands at the same time. It was at that point I realised it was dark out. Around midnight, I suppose.

“Hn.” Jill said, staring at me. “Suppose it’s time to go in.”

“Suppose.” I said coldly.