What about the Lamb


Well-known member
Have you guys ever wondered what happened to the little lamb who was in TLB?
I have an interesting theory that I would like to share with you.
I think that there is a possibility that Lewis meant for that lamb to be Aslan.
The only thing that would make me think otherwise is the lamb's statement about Tash.
Other than that, the Lamb is a dead ringer for Aslan.
What do you guys think?
bthew said:
Have you guys ever wondered what happened to the little lamb who was in TLB?
I have an interesting theory that I would like to share with you.
I think that there is a possibility that Lewis meant for that lamb to be Aslan.
The only thing that would make me think otherwise is the lamb's statement about Tash.
Other than that, the Lamb is a dead ringer for Aslan.
What do you guys think?

I don't know why you ask this, since it would really have no bearing on the story. Why would lewis intend the sheep to be Aslan? It just doesn't make sense.
I agree - I think that postulating the lamb to be Aslan incognito is a real stretch, and has no support in the text. I think Narborg and Aravis have it right, though - the lamb represents guilelessness, which is why he sees so quickly through the lies of the ape. Simple and unsophisticated in his innocence, he spots the glaring hole in the ape's story and blurts it out - thus immediately and seriously endangering the entire plot. Notice how the ape has to resort to bullying and physical violence to deflect the insight.
Yes, if one has read about C.S. Lewis extensively, the Lamb was indeed the representation of Aslan or Jesus. In the Last Battle we see that the two worlds meet in basically one location as far as heaven is concerned. The Lamb of God represents Jesus who was the sacrificial Lamb bearing our sins here on Earth. Aslan, representing the Lion of Judah per se, likewise gave Himself as a sacrifice for all on Narnia. But both are essentially Christ just appearing differently to those two worlds.
I was using the lamb in VDT as one of the origins for my thoughts. The bearing that it would have on the story is that if Lewis was meaning for the Lamb to be Aslan incognito it means that Aslan came to help the Narnians out of the mess they were in and the people did not listen to him. Kind of like what happens sometimes with Jesus sometimes, and it kind of also is what is predicted for the end of our times. Where the beast is able quiet the voice of reason and dismiss it as being silly.
No..he has a Point..the Lamb could be Aslan..I see why you think that. But I dont really think that is Him.

and hey!! I am reading TLB right now..and I just read about the Lamb :p
No, I still dont think the lamb is aslan. The rest of the text just dosent suport it. and rember, the centouer said that the states didnt say anything about Aslan reterning.
Like Narborg said. The centaur reported that the stars foretold nothing of Aslan returning, incognito or otherwise. And, the other text doesn't support it. But, as NightMystic said, the Lamb is the representation of Christ, but I believe that it was only in VDT. Not in TLB.
well..it is kinda of hard for me to explain why the Stars might have not foretold the coming of Aslan, even if he was in the form of a Lamb.
I was not actually saying that the Lamb was Aslan, I was just saying that Lewis could have been doing this. I do like to think of it this way though. By the way truenarnian I am not a he. but Thank you.