what do you think heaven is like?

I think Heaven wouldn't be heaven unless there existed the same commonality and communication we have here. Thus, we will be able to see our families, and recognize them, and be with them. I also think God isn't going to have us singing praises all day long; what's the point in that? Surely God doesn't need it--singing praises to Him here is for our benefit. No, God has a plan for us, and work for us to do. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if we are pretty busy, actually.
I or mostly we think of this as a place of the soul, a good soul.
everything's white and pure.
Everyone's gay and happy and kind.
No sorrows. No pains.
To sum it all, it is a happy place.
But we can be in heaven here in the real worl,
by just looking in other's eyes,it can be your parents, brothers or sisters, friends, relatives, anyone.
Heaven lies within us, I think. :)
coz what matters is how we feel towards the place, the person or the event that is happening.
Being with Jesus. Who cares about anything else? Although it would be nice to sit down and have a cup of coffee (I wonder if it's decaf there? J.K.!) with say...

- Moses
- Abe Lincoln and Marting Luther King Jr. (and Martin Luther)
- C.S. Lewis (duh!)
- My grandparents (miss them dearly!)
- The rowdy 11 and Paul
- Billy Graham (yeah, he's still alive, but I believe he might beat me to heaven. Even if he didn't, he would soon follow).
- Reggie White

I think we also will be seeing some people and saying, "You? what a surprise!" and alot of "where's so and so; I thought I would certainly see that person!" God looks at the heart, not the outward appearance!

Who would you like to see?
Well, the thing with trying to describe what heaven will be like is that it's so far beyond our fallen mind it's impossible to percieve the tiniest amount of the celestial city. But I like the way Lewis describes it in The Great Divorce is the closest I can imagine...and the feeling, just that other-worldliness that you experience when reading Tolkien or Lewis....that sense of longing (maybe it's just me) is in essence the longing of heaven, the world we belong to, our home. And maybe we will just be standing around singing praises, I don't know. But if that's heaven then that's the best feeling you could possibly get, simply rejoicing in God. Haven't you ever just sung out to God and never wanted to stop? To be one with him, to be one in his love and joy, and yet remain an individual...
ByAslansMane said:
WHo says there is a hevan.Since no one can tell us why should there be. I think heavan is getting a littel crowded if everyone goes there.

LOL. Very true. I'm thinking of getting a motorbike cos I reckon the car parking spaces will have all gone by now!? :D
ByAslansMane said:
WHo says there is a hevan.Since no one can tell us why should there be. I think heavan is getting a littel crowded if everyone goes there.

Don't fret, Jesus has got it covered:

John 14:1-3

1"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God[a]; trust also in me. 2In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
Please answer me this

If you were on an island, couldn't speak a lick of english, had nothing to do except how to eat, drink, procreate, and sleep... but you were a good person, a good partner in a marriage, a great father/mother, and you lived a wonderful life, but never heard of the bible, do you believe this good soul would be sent to "hell" just because he never read a book that people claim is divine?

Everything written has error, and I personally can't believe anything that was written by man is expected to be completely swallowed whole.

I'm sorry if this is construde as mean, or distasteful, I'm honestly not trying to be, I just wanted to bring up the question.
I always liked the idea that earth is a dim reflection of heaven. for me that says that the things you find the greatest joy in doing on earth will be that much greater in heaven. like in LB when the children are told that the true Narnia and the good creatures are in the new Narnia. the good parts about earth will remain. For example, I figure that since my brother absolutely loves snowboarding more than anything, heaven for him would be one of the most amazing terrain parks ever on a gorgeous mountain with permanently fresh powder and Jesus is tearing up the slope next to you. Where as for me, my perfect idea of heaven is more like Narnia. I also think its going to be just right for each of us. After all, I think CS Lewis would have a hard time enjoying a heaven that is similar to our world today. Just as I wouldn't care too much for a heaven in Christopher Columbus's time. But no matter what it will be perfect.
to reply to raven, I think that God is well aware of a person's situation and if you have been seeking you will find Him. I think that's what CS Lewis was getting at when Emeth told Aslan he didn't belong there because he had always served Tash. Aslan told him that the manner in which he was serving and seeking after Tash really meant that he was seeking after Aslan. I think God will be just and merciful, he's not going to let someone perish who never had the chance to know.
one hymm i love about heaven goes like this;
In the land of fadeless day,
Lies a city foursquare
It shall never pass away
And there is no night there.
God shall wipe away all tears
There is no death, no pain, nor fears;
And they count not time by years,
For there is no night there.
All the gates of pearl are made,
In the city foursquare
All the streets with gold are laid,
And there is no night there.
All the gates shall never close,
To the city foursquare,
There life's crystal river flows,
and there is no night there.
There they need no sunshine bright,
In that city foursquare
For the Lamb is all the light,
And there is no night there.
I don't know what Heaven will be like, just the opposite of Hell I suppose... Peace and love and trust, all the things the world is missing. Do you wonder if we'll see God in Heaven? I don't have a clear image in my mind of Heaven, will there be a sun and a moon? A day and a night? Its said that everything will be perfect, but does that mean that we won't change? Maybe God thinks that we're perfect already, just a little stupid with our choices and stuff? How can we know without dying first? No one can go there and come back and tell us what God is like and if everything is sunny and bright, like a fairy tale... and what if Heaven turns out to be our own idea of what it should be, like if somebody wanted to eat Oreos all day and never get fat, what if Heavens turns out to be that way? I guess we'll all find out when we get there....
For me heaven must be like Narnia, really. I think that CS Lewis built Narnia on what he thought is really heaven he created Aslan like Jesus and Jesus is the King of all Kings and the King of heaven like Aslan is in Narnia the King of all Kings and the real king of Narnia. So in conclusion I think that heaven is like Narnia or heaven can be anything that we imagine that it is except evil things or lands.
i think that heaven would be this place where no one can describe what its like. all you know is that it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. there's no fear...no evil in it whatsoever. its a place where everything co-exists together in harmony. perfect balance in everything. everyones happy. no worries. all because you know that you're in the kingdom of God.
I'm probably going to be shot for his ;) (But everyone needs a dissenter, right?)

Did anybody else at all find the New Narnia a lot less fun than the original in the books? I always read the description of running without ever getting tired, and swimming effortlessly up a waterfall and think "What's the point? Wouldn't existence be terribly boring if nothing were a challenge? Or have they simply had their capacity for boredom and striving 'switched off'?"

I'm madly in love with the Narnia of the first 6 books, for all its failings, but New Narnia leaves me cold. Sometimes I think (though mostly in jest) that Susan had a lucky escape.
If heaven was made up i think the people who wrote the bible would of described it, but because they havent then it probably would be something better then we can imagine. :D

I think there'd be jobs to do and places to look around and enjoy your hobbies. Why would God make an earth like this and have his world with nothing and just us praising him? He wouldnt, so it would be a place. ;)

Just thought id point out that if God wasnt real then there would be no good or evil on the earth, but there is, goods everywhere, the earth and the universe, but evils just in earth, which is what the bible means when they say satan and the other bad angels that were descended to the earth or something to ruin stuff..
Heaven is...

Heaven is a place where you reach your potential. A state of bliss in which all of your talents are put to use and all of your needs fulfilled.

That is neither a resting state nor a reward. It's an eternal blessed lifestyle in which we discover the person we are, not the person we think we are or others think we are, or that circumstances force us to be.

I like to think of God as Mr. Fezziwig, an employer and father figure who could spend a few pounds of my mortal money yet give such joy that you'd think it cost a fortune.

Nobody needs streets paved with gold. They need people that they would work hard to please, the energy and enthusiasm to do it, and someone that loves them to make them feel important and appreciated. Everyone talks of spending eternity loving God. Well yes. But God is also willing to spend eternity loving us. People forget what a wonderful thing that is.

It is a theory of mine that the classes of angels were people like us at one time or another in a long vanished world. The greatest ones were from the earliest worlds. With each cycle of creation and completion a new generation is added on. Perhaps you or someone you know, a former tax accountant or webmaster, will appear someday to shepherds abiding over their flocks by night. "Fear not for I bring you great tidings of joy which shall be to all people...." How do you know that the very archangels themselves were not once gardeners, taxi drivers or astronauts?
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Thats a good point, angels were probably from an earlier earth and are now angels, and one day we will move up, and there may be new souls which will go on "the new heavens and earth"