You know you're bored when...

you know you're bored when you make up hotmail addresses and send emails to whoever has that account.

or you make up phone numbers and call them.

and if they dont answer you play music into their answering machine
GO AHEAD!!!!!!!!!!

sory I mean of course you may... I'm just all fired up about punctuation...

that sounds really insane

um... you know your bored when you get fired up about punctuation
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You know your bored when you go on the computer for hours and pretend to be busy but you're not doing anything. I am guilty! :p
You watch one twin do Croft Manor on Tomb Raider and then watch the other twin do the same level... But then again with twin sisters you end up watching them do a lot of things twice on the playstasion...
there's nothing wrong with that! and plus you'r stuck with us!!!

you know you'r bored when you let Sam do all of Croft Manor, on both Anniversary and Legend!¬:D