Your Current Mood VI

*wonders why MGGT likes Lindros so much* lol
That's the question everybody is asking me. My new friends who are all hockeyfans want to know why I like Lindros so much. I don't think I can explain. It started with a deep admiration for him as a hockeyplayer but it turned into a heavy crush while he isn't that cute anymore :eek: He changed a lot through the years but still I keep on having this crush/obsession :o

My mood today? Extremely moody
*head desk* Frustrated.

*rapidly and all in one breath*
So I have a friend who I love very much - we have been friends for about 8 years now - but over the last year she has been doing what I refer to as "hope chesting." The hope chest, being the box where a woman stashes her wedding dress, baby clothes, etc before she has even met the man she is going to marry. My friend meets a guy. Okay, doesn't meet a guy, but develops a crush on one she already knows who now lives cross country and she only communicates with via MySpace and texting, and the most she knows about him is what he posts on his "about me" profile. And from there obsesses about what it means when he doesn't immediately respond, rationalizes his bad behavior, and plans their life together. And, oh yeah, every time she sends/receives a message, I get a text and more or less asked for the hidden meaning in his words. Like I am an FBI profiler.

And it is driving me insane. It is making it so hard to talk to her about anything because she only wants to talk about one thing.
Be honest. Stop doing this for her. Tell her what you feel but quit playing the FBI agent as you said. Because when things go bad she will blame you :rolleyes:

Thank you. Yeah, I have explained that I don't know him at all and that I wouldn't be able to decipher any sort of "hidden meaning." I have tried to be gentle and honest, but that just turns our conversations into me going "uh-huh" at pauses. I don't want to have to be harsh and honest to drive my point home, though.
Thank you. Yeah, I have explained that I don't know him at all and that I wouldn't be able to decipher any sort of "hidden meaning." I have tried to be gentle and honest, but that just turns our conversations into me going "uh-huh" at pauses. I don't want to have to be harsh and honest to drive my point home, though.

She will find out herself someday ;)

Oh boy......I'm soooooo moody!!!!