You're Banned! II

Thou art banned, for thou should'st not. Far be it from thee, thou lover of the written word, to have feeling for such foolishness. Gird up thy loins and barbeque them, and leave thy childhood behind thee.
Thou art banned for thy ignorance. For all small children are instructed in the ways of brain soap. In fact, the soap often bubbles from their brain into their mouth: thus the garbled speech of infants and small children. Traditionally it is applied by fairies, and when the children are old enough to use it themselves, the fairies leave a cake of it under their pillow every night. But when children refrain from using the soap regularly, the fairies stop bringing it, and it fades from their minds altogether. Thus the benefits of brain soap are lost, and the children begin getting "The Barney Song" stuck in their heads. This causes severe psychological damage and is responsible for most of the mental disorders in the population at large.

You are banned because that was very clever. :D
Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth I-eth would-eth love-eth to-eth meet-eth the-eth Star-eth Whale-eth, just-eth not-eth the-eth way-eth the-eth Doctor-eth and-eth Amy-eth did. Eth.
Thou-eth art-eth banned-eth, for-eth thou-eth set-eth thy-eth clock-eth forward-eth two-eth hours-eth instead-eth of-eth one-eth. Hehehehehehehe-eth!