You're Banned! II

Thou art banned, thou fiend, for thy failure to use the Tongue. Fear the Tongue, for if thou fail to offer him his due obeisance, he shall turn thee over to the Commune, which shall turn thee over to the Shiny Can, and thou shalt be cast into prison. Yea, thou shalt not come out from thence, until thou hast paid thy horrible debt, even unto the uttermost farthing.

I feel like you ought to have gotten the message by this point that I don't care.:p

Lonny is banned because of Glen's ridiculousness. Glen is banned because of her ridiculousness as well.
You're banned for not understanding the whole "shipping" thing.
Sherlolly (Sherlock and Molly) ftw! brb the feels are killing me...

I've been on Tumblr too long...