Are the Emerald Witch and the White Witch the same person.

Right at the end of the chapter The Disappearance of Jill - it's the final sentence. And I was wrong - it is attributed to a party, but he's only identified as "the oldest Dwarf".
I was just looking for it but couldn't find it) there may have been some kind of community that Jadis built up around her before she invaded Narnia and which continued her tradition in the North.

Shameless plug time! Exactly such a community of evil is depicted in a portion of my novel, Southward the Tigers, which still can be reached by clicking the tiger image given to me by Lost Dreamer!
No, the Green Witch is no sibling of Jadis. Jadis left all her relatives lying dead on the planet Charn. And for Jadis to be able to come back AS the Green Witch would be denying the omnipotence of Aslan, saying that He could no more keep her dead than she could keep Him dead. The very LAST thing Mr. Lewis ever intended was to imagine a cosmic dualism in which the supreme evil power could be EQUAL to the supreme good power.

Alright I couldn't really remember what she said. I just looked it up and she says that she used the Deplorable Word after her sister had won. So I guess there goes my theory. Lol. Unless she was lying...

I think your right though. To say that the White Witch could come back just like Aslan would put good and evil on the same level, and CS Lewis definitely did not mean for us to interpret it that way.
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TSC, the deplorable word was such that it would kill every living being (presumably not plants) except for the person who spoke it. Her sister had long been dead when Digory woke her.

"Perhaps the Green Witch started out as a normal human in the Narnian world, and sold her soul to Tash in return for magic powers."

Copper, I've always been dubious about that kind of thing. What point would Tash have to give someone powers? He never gave any power to his own worshippers so why this woman from the north?

I would say she was somewhat related to the Hags, having put on a beautifying spell on herself. Or she may have been, like Coriakin, an exiled star on punishment. She was the only mortal shape-shifter we knew about in the Chronicles. Only Aslan ever assumed another shape other than his Lion. He was an Albatros and a Lamb (and possibly the White Stag, but that's another argument).

However, as both come from the North (whereabouts is that quote from PotW? I was just looking for it but couldn't find it) there may have been some kind of community that Jadis built up around her before she invaded Narnia and which continued her tradition in the North.

I would say she was somewhat related to the Hags, having put on a beautifying spell on herself. Or she may have been, like Coriakin, an exiled star on punishment. She was the only mortal shape-shifter we knew about in the Chronicles. Only Aslan ever assumed another shape other than his Lion. He was an Albatros and a Lamb (and possibly the White Stag, but that's another argument).

Good thoughts about the Lady's origin, from both parties. The only thing about her actually being a hag ... if a hag could beautify itself, wouldn't the one in PC have done so to make herself more acceptable to Caspian?
if a hag could beautify itself, wouldn't the one in PC have done so to make herself more acceptable to Caspian?

Maybe it's not the same for all hags?

It's also possible Jadis had some minions who picked up some tricks from her, or there was a separate magical tradition and that's where the hags come from.
I don't think the Emerald Witch is a hag.

If she's not the White Witch, she's probably just another powerful being who could have come from another world, or was born into this world and acheived her magic through dark powers.
I don't think that the Emerald Witch and the White Witch are the same person. I think that the Emerald Witch was probably a servant or follower of the White Witch when she was still alive. EW may have hid out in some secret place for many years after WW was killed and re-emerged later when Narnia appeared to be in a vulnerable state and she thought that Aslan was not present. She may have come from another world at some time, just like Jadis did (except not from Charn).

It's kind of a Duuuu moment right there it should
be ovbious that it's not the same person and they
tell you in the book so there realy not the same person...
Further... who'd WANT to be the father? She never struck me as the marrying kind. Or the type to bounce babies on her knee either.

Unless it were some kind of consort thing. Jadis seems to power hungry to want a husband or children. Most who desire power and dominance above all else don't have those as they see a spouse and children as a threat to their rule.
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