Benonites II

comes with her white robe on & wings with the canister

comes in with her white robe on & wings on to water the herb garden that she planted for ben, notices little shoots coming up out of the soil :), waters it with her canister
ohh cool this i gotta see :) comes in with her water canister

ohh cool ben live singing this i gotta see, has her water canister with her and waters the herb garden that she planted for him, sees some sweet basil shoots coming up out of the soil :)
Ben Barnes and Georgie Henly have been nominated for performance of the year according to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader has been nominated for best fantasy film. You can vote online and possibly win a Night Out With The Stars and walk the red carpet XD

Details here

whoa....I entered. Its not a big deal if I don't win though,I'm entered in another contest for something just about as big:)
That would be AWESOME If I won though. I've been needing an occasion to wear this over-glamorous red dress my gramma bought me
would you pick his brain if you won Chisha? I would loooooove to see you pull that off

Awww don't give up. You can always just have a crush and have a little look sometimes. Thats all I ever do.

My crushes start like that,and then turn into full blown blossoms. Thats the problem with being at home all the time. It becomes major because honestly there's nothing else to do!
I've been writing music lately though so my crushes have been kept in check thanks to some amazing will power I've mustered. feels sooooooooooooooo weird to talk in this thread now. I looked back at some of my journals a week or two ago and thought...God,no wonder my mum thought I was a nutcase:p
I actually didn't enter. Probably wouldn't have the guts to pick his brain in person anyway lol. He's like what 6 1"? If I asked something he didn't like he could just step on my short little self :eek: plus I've never been out of the country.

Since I am a rather mild fan I think I will leave the contest to more crazed fans who want it more. If it were just a Narnia event I may consider it, but since it's like all 2010 movies I don't really belong. I think out of all the movies they named I only saw 3 last year. Not a HUGE movie fan lol.

What other contest are you in, Dusty???
i hope ben wins the award, yeach starting to wear off a little bit

i hope ben wins the award :) what a neat contest too that would be fun :) yeach i think ben's wearing off on me just a little bit, at least when i look at my poster on the wall i don't have the your eyes make me drool feeling, i have to be very careful too
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i hope ben wins the award :) what a neat contest too that would be fun :) yeach i think ben's wearing off on me just a little bit, at least when i look at my poster on the wall i don't have the your eyes make me drool feeling, i have to be very careful too

I got that after some SERIOUS thinking. I still have my poster up for good measure,but it doesn't have that same feeling anymore:(
It started to creep up on me towards the end of writing the book. It got replaced by another and I'm trying to keep myself moderate while I'm interested in this new guy so I don't ruin him like I did Ben.
I think that was my problem...since he isn't a "fast" person. He doesn't do things a lot,so after I learned EVERYTHING...I burned him out.
I'm a little happier reading up on this new guy because there are NO interviews. I get my info from his Blog which means its from his OWN mouth and I don't have to go digging for stuff. He's kid friendly!!!! yay!
(well..cuz he IS kind of a kid..heh heh.)

sorry for the rant,just realized that all of a sudden.

That's still tall enough to step on me lol

Hey! Come see me since you'll be in TN anyway

I didn't win yet!!
dang! How short ARE you then? I'm 5'3 and my dad's 6'0. HE can't step on me! standing next to him I just look like an average teenager...not a midget.
I doubt you're THAT short
OMG! I found out that Dorian Gray is now playing on Showtime! WOOHOO!!! Sucks that I don't have Showtime. :mad:

And yes, I do remember what you guys have told me about this movie, but I don't care. I still wanna see it.
IMO Ireland > England LOL (no offense to the English. I still love you :p). Plus the place that inspired Narnia (Mourne Mountains) is in Northern Ireland. I was planning to go there but didn't get the chance.

But anyway, yeah. Apparently London is almost NEVER sunny - I met up with my friend who is still over there doing an internship and he said sunny for them is the equivalent of mostly/partly cloudy O_O

And I found out Ben Barnes hides his replica of Rhindon (Peter's sword) under his bed in case there are intruders. hehehe xD
IMO Ireland > England LOL (no offense to the English. I still love you :p). Plus the place that inspired Narnia (Mourne Mountains) is in Northern Ireland. I was planning to go there but didn't get the chance.

But anyway, yeah. Apparently London is almost NEVER sunny - I met up with my friend who is still over there doing an internship and he said sunny for them is the equivalent of mostly/partly cloudy O_O

And I found out Ben Barnes hides his replica of Rhindon (Peter's sword) under his bed in case there are intruders. hehehe xD
Yeah well my brother's been to both Ireland and England, and he says that he likes England better. Why did you have to come home early?
4' 11 1/2" lol
not THAT short...a few inches smaller than me. I'm 5'3 1/2 or so...:)

OMG! I found out that Dorian Gray is now playing on Showtime! WOOHOO!!! Sucks that I don't have Showtime.

I have utterly no interest in this man anymore,yet I am always compelled to keep up with what's going on...WHY??
Also,why can I still understand my obsessions with past things but not this one? Must've been a MAJOR hormone kick that's what I guess...