Virtual walk through Middle-Earth

*looks at the gondorian sights* is it just me or did our bus just turn aquatic? It looks like... we are headed for the waterfall! :O
goodness gracious! I think our boat is leaking! *hands everyone elven oars*

Alright everyone... Everyone? Oh few *wipes brow* for a second I thought you had snuck off with Gollom.
*boat reaches peak of waterfall and begins its journey through the air, leaving teh river behind*

behind us is the Rauros Falls, a very famous location for ringers to be aware of.

*some birds fly by and one lands on Gg's head*
*sighs* hummingbird: I suppose I forgive you then... I guess... but I will have you know that thrushes are horribly selfish creatures... and they are so noisy and all... "
*sighs* hummingbird: I suppose I forgive you then... I guess... but I will have you know that thrushes are horribly selfish creatures... and they are so noisy and all... "

I know! I had fish and chips for dinner yesterday, and I dropped a chip on the floor, accidentally. I threw this chip out into the garden, and soon a thrush came and started eating it. A second thrush made several attempts to share this chip, but the first thrush had no intention of sharing it with anyone!

"The darkness is the Nazguls circling above. They are hunting..."

O.K Own up! Who has a magic ring?