What is ONE thing you hope happens in the Netflix Narnia stuff, that you are concerned they won't do?


Meeting the World
Staff member
Knight of the Noble Order
Royal Guard
Thinking about the upcoming Narnia content from Netflix, what is ONE thing that you hope they include from the books, that you are concerned they will not contain?
Regarding TMN, Aunt Letty, especially how she chews out both Andrew and Jadis. I fear they would leave out how the lamppost gets implanted, with Jadis throwing part of it at Aslan and it bouncing off of him. I also doubt they will show Digory and Jill planting the toffee plants as well as the gold and silver plants that arose from Andrew's coins.

I hope they will cover the books that haven't been done before, rather than following the pattern of doing LWW, PC and then running out of steam after VDT.

Although I think adaptation is needed, both because the book dialogue is rather weak for a film version and because cultural expectations have changed since the 1950s, I hope that they will try to be relatively faithful to the characters of the original books rather than making them all into moody, self-obsessed existentialists.
Yeah, I believe the plan is a complete reboot, from scratch.
So in that case I do hope they tweak things a bit as they will be retelling it. What could be cool is what if we changed which one of them goes in to the wardrobe first?
That might alter it a bit too much for Narnia fans. I would expect some tweaks to be in additional content that they added or removed the first time around.
I wonder how they're going to get my favorite scene, Emeth's meeting with Aslan, right? I kind of think that in a movie, it could easily get cut out. It's kine of the thing with multiple endings or climaxes in the book, like Return of the King. A series might struggle with it as well.

Another concern would be that they might make it too cheesy. A big helicopter shot of Emeth walking on the green grass of Aslan's country. I would like to see a close up shot of his reaction when he meets with Aslan. Yet, it may not happen that way.
One thing I'd like, especially when we come back to VoDt, it for the story to remain episodic. One thing that became all too common in 2010's fantasy movies is to try to give a "tighter" plot tread to stories that were either more episodic in nature, like Dawn Treader, or The Hobbit ( as studio Execs argued that it would be hard for "modern kids" to follow if the story stopped and started) , or were more dream-realm like in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland or Nutcracker and the Four Realms In an attempt to give Alice and Clara more "agency". This thought actually occurred to me while rewatching Nutcracker and the Four Realms with my 7 year old niece. She abosultly loves the Nutcracker. In fact this Christmas she is dancing as one of the Harlequin dolls in her dance schools production and she hopes to one day be either Clara or the Sugar Plum Fairy. Her biggest complaints during Four Realms were:
"Why doesn't Clara Get the Nutcracker! Fritz shouldn't get it!"
"But Clara loves the Nutcracker! Fritz will just break it!"
"They changed too much of the story!"
"Clara is supposed to fall asleep when this stuff happens!"
"Why did they make Sugar Plum Fairy the Bad guy? She's my favorite!"
"Nu-uh. Rat King cannot be a good guy!"

If a 7 year old girl, your target demo for the Nutcracker, thinks you changed too much and ruined a "pretty" character girls like her love, and made the ugly disgusting character she hates, ( sorry,most girls will ever love the Rat King no matter how sympathetic you try and make him) then perhaps you should rethink your approach to doing the Nutcracker.

Same goes for Narnia. If you take Lewis' words that Aslan is "not safe" to mean he has to be be "more like a villain" in and Jadis needs to be the "true hero" of Narnia, then don't do Narnia.
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Minor detail, but one thing I liked in the Walden films I hope they keep in the new films, in so far as the series progresses, was that in VoDt they had Edmund and Lucy wearing Peter and Susan's hand-me-downs from LWW. It just added a small touch of realism to the story .
I also hope they don't opt for the "photo-realistic" animals of the live action Lion King. Every review of that film said that the animals had all the emotional range of a Meow-Mix commercial, especially compared to how "alive" and "Vibrant" the animals of the Walden Narnia films looked. It goes beyond just the Walden Narnia films, but for all it's flaws, critics admitted that Smaug in the Peter Jackson Hobbit movies felt more alive then the characters in a Disney live action remake.

Characters like Aslan should be "more" than realistic. You should actually feel something when Jadis kills him, not feel like you register a greater emotional response when you can't find your keys and they are on your desk the whole time.
I hope they stay true to the source material and do not ignore the obvious Christian values and imagery in these stories. No real hope on that, it seems Hollywood writers think they can improve upon these masterpieces but are so focused on hitting all the societal notes of today that they need to shoehorn in things that are ultimately not important and have nothing to do with the story itself.
I hope they stay true to the source material and do not ignore the obvious Christian values and imagery in these stories. No real hope on that, it seems Hollywood writers think they can improve upon these masterpieces but are so focused on hitting all the societal notes of today that they need to shoehorn in things that are ultimately not important and have nothing to do with the story itself.
I agree
Because they knew they were skipping The Magician’s Nephew and it would’ve made total sense to give Jadis some backstory. But, that’s besides the point, since the point being made is that they cut all of that out and the story didn’t suffer for it.