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Get Lost ‘Narnia Song’ by Evanescence by donating to Haiti

Amy's artwork for the song Together Again

It was originally believed that the Evanescence song “Good Enough” has parts of the song they wrote for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe before it was cut from the soundtrack to the film. It was recently revealed that there may be another couple of songs. The one we’re not sure of is “Lacrymosa,” and the other song is called “Together Again.” “Together Again” is available to anyone that is willing to donate $5 to Haiti by way of the United Nations. A minimum of $5 is required to get the download.

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Get access to “Together Again,” a previously unreleased song by Evanescence.

Amy Lee says of the song:

I wrote something else that was moody, dark and really cool, and the director wanted something that felt more hopeful. The song was about saying goodbye and moving on, and that’s what they’re doing in [the beginning of] the movie when they’re leaving their parents and going into some scary, unknown place. That’s how I wrote it, from their perspective. I thought the song was perfect. And it wasn’t like I put a bunch of guitars in it. I made stuff that was cool and vibey but was still haunting, and I think that’s the part they didn’t like.

Here are the lyrics:

Never thought that I’d be leaving you today
So alone and wondering why I feel this way
So wide the world
Can love remember how to get me home to you

We’ll be together again
All just a dream in the end
We’ll be together again

So many fears were swimming around and around in my mind
Who would have dreamed the secrets we would find

I’ve found a world where love and dreams and darkness all collide
Maybe this time we can leave our broken world behind

We’ll be together again
All just a dream in the end

Here’s where you can Donate to Haiti!

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