Skandarnites VS. PaperB'nites

Who cares if he looks a little out of it? Who is concentrating on what they are doing? I, for one, daydream like 73% of the time.

So how about this one instead?


I like it! It's shocking!
Something awesome, obviously! Here's a good one!


Someone should probably tell him that glow sticks work better in the dark though. Oh well.

I have to go - Kells is home with dinner and the Futurama movie because she rocks!!!

We will be back though!
*catches up on thread* This thread is sooooooo funny :D
Who is on PaperB'nites side and who is on the Skandarnite . . . some people are obvious but others aren't and I'd like to know please :p
Who is this foe that has the audacity to think us PaperB'nites and them Slandernites will ever be brought together?!

I never said anything about bringing the SKandarnites and the Paperb'nites together. I said it would hopefully bring the Skandarnites and the Williamites together. Shia is not allowed to play.
I never said anything about bringing the SKandarnites and the Paperb'nites together. I said it would hopefully bring the Skandarnites and the Williamites together. Shia is not allowed to play.

you're trying to cause division among us PaperB'nites? :eek:

*is stunned*
Theatre Techie, you just stunned one of the leaders of the PaperB'nites! What an accomplishment, especially for a newbie...:p