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  • Copperfox
    I remind the readers that this Earth's version of Colorado has the same town of Limon as on Original Earth. In...
  • Copperfox
    The expressionless face was the one vestige of her cold smugness that Washday could retain. "You're a.... misogynistic.... patriarch,"...
  • jasmine tarkheena
    jasmine tarkheena commented on Copperfox's profile post.
    I've just edited- from figure to finger.
  • Copperfox
    [My apologies for not getting around to this any sooner. I’ve been busy though. Here it is] Chapter Eight ***** Marietta had been...
  • Copperfox
    Copperfox left a message on jasmine tarkheena's profile.
    You don't need to explain to ME about the demands of life. If you're not aware of this already, I am the real-world guardian of "Wood...
  • jasmine tarkheena
    [My apologies for not getting around to this any sooner. I’ve been busy though. Here it is] Chapter Eight ***** Marietta had been...
  • jasmine tarkheena
    [My apologies for the delay for getting around to the next chapter. I’ve just been busy. Though here it is.] Chapter Thirteen Tirian...
  • Copperfox
    Deuce purposely made his expression more startled than the weird question warranted. "Miss Anagram, do you mind clarifying what _kind_...
  • Copperfox
    Copperfox reacted to Sleepy Mouse's comment on Sleepy Mouse's profile post with Like Like.
    So tired of all these girls bosses. It's ridiculous. Along with all the unbridled vitriol, venom, and hatred that is constantly spewed...
  • Sleepy Mouse
    Sleepy Mouse commented on Sleepy Mouse's profile post.
    So tired of all these girls bosses. It's ridiculous. Along with all the unbridled vitriol, venom, and hatred that is constantly spewed...
  • Sleepy Mouse
    Sleepy Mouse reacted to Copperfox's comment on Sleepy Mouse's profile post with Like Like.
    I'm _finally_ back! It was the charging unit, not the internal battery, which most lately needed to be replaced. You're so right...
  • Copperfox
    Okay, I'm back on MY restored laptop! The unfinished Heyho action above is now complete, setting us free to join Street Bat on...
  • Copperfox
    Copperfox commented on Sleepy Mouse's profile post.
    I'm _finally_ back! It was the charging unit, not the internal battery, which most lately needed to be replaced. You're so right...
  • W
    ===== THIS IS COPPERFOX, borrowing Wood Nymph's laptop. Reason being, MINE is awaiting a new charging unit which is taking FOREVER to be...
  • Sleepy Mouse
    Sleepy Mouse commented on Copperfox's profile post.
    That stinks! Can you replace the battery? You might be able to fo that. If I remember laptop batteries can be pricy but not wallet killing.