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  • Permit me to elaborate on that invitation.

    One of the on-and-off members of the forum--one of the few whom I also know OFF the forum--is a man named Tim, username Timbalionguy, who is a zookeeper! When I was in progress with my tiger story, Tim told me that he was pleased with my depiction of animal behavior, which is quite a compliment coming from an expert. As a result of this contact, he began writing a _related_ story, titled "The Lion's Share." Its action begins _before_ my novel, in fact _immediately_ after the ending of "Magician's Nephew."

    Unfortunately, real-world hardships have blocked him from completing his novel, and by now it takes some good browser-digging to find it again. But the good news is that, because of the connection between the stories, if you can find "Lion's Share" and read the portion which _does_ exist first, _then_ go on to read my tiger story, you will find that together they make one integrated, understandable story.
    If you like humor, I invite you to go to the Writing Club section and search down the queue for a thread called "Excerpts from the World's Worst Christian Romance Novel."
    Knock knock.
    Who's there?
    Archer who?
    Archer glad to see a member whose username is a clever pun?
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