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  • Giving advice on writing depends to a great extent on what type of writing interests you. People make the mistake of thinking writing is like videotaping your daydreams. Daydreams are wanderings, writing is a carefully planned trip with the car tuned up, well stocked, your hotels planned out, your gas allowance set and a Plan B. You have to have native talent or you're halted then and there. Assuming you do, you then have to develop it through education and lots and lots of practice. Assuming you develop it, it helps to be in a position where you are needed to write a certain thing. Your ability to do that successfully gives you a resume you can take around with you when you want to write something on your own nickel.
    Thanks for your kind note and your friend request. I don't get many chances to write poetry or fiction nowadays, but only because I am busy writing professionally. What used to be my hobby is now hard work, and right now I have two books at once under development with a deadline looming large, a persnickety editor, and a hate-affair with the Oxford Comma. My my...
    What you'll never be able to read on Dancing Lawn is my new "Grey Eagle" series. It is, in a way, a sequel to the Alipang Havens novels; but my futuristic hero Grey Eagle exists in a time and a civilization where there is simply TOO MUCH depravity for me to be allowed even to MENTION on this forum. Grey Eagle is AGAINST the depravity and FOR normal healthy things; but the story can't be told if the bad side isn't seen.

    Here is my Facebook page for the Grey Eagle project:
    You can always put in time writing more of your poems -- and, cough cough, reading my other fiction.
    You're welcome. It takes time to get used to all the control functions here. I was a member for months before I learned how to change type fonts for a post. You may notice that I often use the Georgia font.
    I see you're looking at our under-used roleplay. It is not too late to join, because we expect to continue the action BEYOND the crowning of the children, right along into the time of "Horse&Boy."
    Sorry! Should have asked which season you are on. No more spoilers from me! Do you know where you left off in the show?
    I saw the "interests" section of your About Me, and I kinda got excited because you said you liked NCIS. I enjoy NCIS as well, but I was kinda bummed that Ziva left. Oh well. :(
    Yes, I read "Hiawatha" long ago, and I still remember his battle with the fiendish Pauguk.

    As for "Sophia Renee": one reason why I wrote it was because I got SICK AND TIRED of "romance" novels -- EVEN CHRISTIAN ONES! -- which insisted that EXTERNAL APPEARANCE is the sufficient, complete and only reason for anyone to feel romantic love. You will have seen by now that Duncan MacBrae is deserving of love BECAUSE OF HIS GOODNESS.
    Thank you for bringing "Tigers" back into view! Many current members have never seen it!
    I just revived a lost thread of mine, which you might like to read. My deceased second wife loved to have me read Christian romance novels to her aloud; so after her passing, I decided to write a love story for myself. "THE TALE OF SOPHIA RENEE" is a romance set in Victorian England.... sort of blue-collar Jane Austen.
    Yes, there are. I can see you've given some ideas for the Narnia monopoly. Great. :)
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