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  • Just my own thoughts, as a Mod: The idea of the writing thread as a whole /is/ to give feedback. Otherwise, there just doesn't seem much point to posting there.

    I personally appreciate anything that'll help me improve as a writer ;).
    It's perfectly all right if you want to create a setup where detailed critiquing is specifically called for. Once you have the seniority to start topics, you can start one, and I'll find the time to participate. Or you can use the already-existing "Marketplace of Technique," posting something there and requesting analysis of it. There, with no need to add another excerpt right away, the same single piece of writing could be critiqued by several members.
    Hello! Welcome to the Dancing Lawn! From your excerpt in the Writing Club it sounds like you're a great writer.:D
    If you visit the major section called Professor's Writing Club, you can find there a topic thread called "Sonnets Here, In-House." The reason I mention it is that most of the poems in it are personality descriptions of Dancing Lawn members--thus, a device to facilitate getting acquainted.
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