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  • You need to make your "promotion" from beginner status. This is accomplished simply by PARTICIPATING. Every time you post an entry on any topic-thread with some substance to it (thus, not the casual "Duffer" games), it gives you a bit more seniority. Very soon, you will be "authorized" to do more; and graphics-expert members will assist you in getting yourself a visual avatar.
    I'm lost. I've been looking on this site for ages. I can't upload a pic, cos i don't have any url thingies and i can't find how to start a thread. :(:eek::confused:
    The term "thread," here as on Facebook, is used to mean a piece of writing a member posts on the site, followed by all the replies and continuations that are written for it.
    Greetings from the resident grandfather! ("Prince of the West" is also a grandfather, but I'm older than he is.)
    You could make a thread for it and see if anyone knows anything- then you'd reach a wider range of TDLers. At any rate though, I'm sure you'll find much more here than what you were looking for. For like Lucy's first trip into the wardrobe TDL is filled with wonderful surprises and epicly amazing people.:D
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