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  • The first time I looked at your info, I didn't notice that you mentioned being homeschooled. It so happens that my "Alipang Havens" story in Writing Club is related to home schooling.
    You're welcome! It's good to be appreciated. Tell me something: have you ever had a poem written about you? I sometimes write poems about new members, as a get-acquainted device for the rest. If you would like to have a poem written about you, please provide me with some facts about yourself that you feel safe in telling. Like your interests, or harmless memories of past experiences.
    Ello there, I'm Mewsie.
    You get an avatar and signature once you reach a certain amount of posts (I THINK its ten, but its been a LONG time since I was a new member). You can do this by posting in certain areas of the forum (anywhere that's not Dufferland- and possibly the Lamppost- section basically).
    Also, no one but you knows that you have posted on your own profile page, so if you want to ask questions directly to someone, click their username like Copperfox said. There are also general forums for newbies to get questions answered. ;)
    (Also, I love reading, writing and archery. I've written four books, actually, they're all on this forum in the "Professor's Writing club section, and in links in my sig if you're interested.)
    Look! It worked! :D

    Okay, it might be considered strange that I'm happy about that...That's me for you. :p
    I have no idea whether or not this will work...

    Thanks for the welcomes! Sorry I didn't reply till now. I didn't even know I had these messages...:/ Anyways, once I figure all this out, you'll probably see me around. :)

    By the way, I feel honored to be welcomed here by a U.S. Navy Veteran, Copperfox. And I'd just like to say a heartfelt thank you for your service to the good ole' USA. :D
    Welcome aboard, says the U.S. Navy veteran!

    By the way, the best way of _replying_ to these "homepage" visitor messages is to click on the underlined username of the other person, e.g. Copperfox. That puts you on the _other_ person's page.
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