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  • công ty luật thành lập công ty tư vấn luật dịch vụ kế toán nói ra, bầu không khí ở trong hiện Trường nhất thời trở nên ngưng trọng. Thạch Ấn Thiên liền hạ giọng giải thích: "Hồi bẩm tiên sinh, mẫu thân đã muốn qua đời từ năm năm trước."

    "Hóa ra là thế." Dược Thiên sầu khẽ gật đầu, an ủi nói: "Sinh lão bệnh tử là quy luật tự nhiên, mọi người đừng quá bi thương."

    Hắn nói Chẳng qua cũng chỉ là cho người khác nghe mà thôi, còn không soi gương nhìn bộ dạng của chính mình mà xem ah!

    Bỗng nhiên, lúc này Thạch hữu Thiên dường như nhớ ra chuyện gì đó, liền vội vàng hô đám tiểu công chúa, tiểu Hoàng tử đến đây bái kiến Dược Thiên sầu. Có vẻ như là
    Happy Birthday,Alaina!:D
    Actually, one of my sister's friends recorded them off of the TV when they aired on ION/PAX the second time around. I've heard that the Gospel Music Channel (which I can't get) is playing Sue and Doc now.
    Friday I watched two Sue episodes on my laptop's DVD player. The first was "Simon Says," the one where the serial killer targets Sue (man, that's a chiller!) and then I watched the one where Myles and Bobby take Howie and Otis down to Phoenix and get a day and a half of golf in. :rolleyes:

    Yes, I'm sure you'll enjoy Volume V, too. ;) It's one of my favorite albums, and they did a good job with the development of the characters in the Explorer's Society.

    Trust me, Alaina you will enjoy Volume IV, The Hunt for Beowulf. If you've been missing Simon, Marvin, Vinnie, they'll be back for an episode. ;) I like to listen to "Darrow's Bluff" because it's a good story that isn't quite as connected with the rest of that season so I feel like I can listen to it and not have to worry about having to hear the rest of the album to get the whole story. Not that I'd mind that, though! ;)
    Hi, Alaina, my favorite character on Doc was always Dr. Derek (not sure how to spell his last name.) I'm glad you like Nick Williams; one of my favorite scenes of the whole show is him witnessing to Crystal Brown in The Blazing Star: Part II.
    I've purchased and listened to Volume VI: The Journey Never Taken already, and I have enjoyed it immensely, especially The Pirates of Whitby, which will probably air in a couple of weeks.

    Hi, Alaina, did you know you're actually the first person on TDL to have called me Michael? Everyone else calls me Mike or Mikey. :rolleyes: So who are your favorite characters in Jonathan Park and Sue Thomas F.B.Eye? (Or JP and Sue, as I colloqiually call them.) For me it's Nick Williams, the zoologist, of JP. I envy his southern accent. :D In Sue I like Bobby Manning, who, ironically, has a unique accent of his own! Have you ever watched "Doc", the show featuring Billy Ray Cyrus, made by the same people who did Sue?

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