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  • Yeah I did. You can specify what kind of feedback you want...line edits or just a proofread, or an overall read to help point out big issues with your story and such. There's lots of ways to have it done. Kind of depends on the beta you get :) I always found it helpful though.
    Oh and to step back a bit, forgot to explain the beta-reader thing. A beta reader is simply someone who reads your story for you and gives a thorough critique. There's a thread on the Narniafans Prof Writing Club forum where people have offered to be betas. It also helps to have some writing friends, you can ask if they're interested in giving you feedback. Hope that helps?
    Hah, just as much my fault as yours. For all my claims at being techno savvy I don't know a whole lot about chats. Not sure if I ever managed to accept your invitation? Lol, you may want to send it again to my gmail :)
    LOL! That's you? Oh my, I was being so daft...I kept wondering what random stranger was inviting me to chat >_< Ahaha, I feel pretty dumb now, Lol. Excuse me while I trot off and accept your invitation...
    Ahaha, that's funny; my username on another forum is Feathers. You surprised me for a second.

    Sounds like an interesting story! I've seen some awesome fairy tale retellings; the modern ones are especially interesting. I agree that editing can get boring. Do you have any beta-readers? Those are people who read your story and give feedback/suggest edits for you. They help me to stay excited about edits.

    Hmm. Where would I go to see this invitation? I feel dumb right now, but I've never used the NF chat. I had no clue about your invitation :(
    Thanksies! The edits are going pretty well...I'm rewriting, and am excited about how much better things are becoming, but my wordcount is getting rather large, lol. Speaking of wordcount!

    I would say that 65-80 thousand words is, in my experience, average. High 80's isn't a problem though. It fluctuates with the kind of story you're telling--Fantasy and SF can easily go as high as 95k even when they're young adult books. Teen romances, mysteries, and books for middle grade kids are usually around 45-65k words.

    What do you have that's 88k? Is it the historical fiction, or something else? :)

    And how are you in general?
    Awww why was it rocky? Anything you want me to pray about? :( Aww cool..Everything was my favorite hahah.
    Heyy! I haven't been around in a while, sorry for the absence. I did check out your blog a couple times though. You always write such beautiful stuff. My novel is great! I finally finished writing it about a month ago, and have just started edits.
    That was a perfectly reasonable question. I find that much word-processing software plays treacherous games with most things used for word-emphasis, like italics. But those underscores are themselves keyboard characters, equally so as the letters of the alphabet, so the traitor software _can't_ remove them the way it may undo italics.
    Well i'm writing a book,and i want to include some songs/poems in it.I suck at poetry and songwriting,so i made a thread asking for help.If you're interested,PM me and i will give you the details.:)
    For me it's Sam :D In the earlier seasons she was kind of irritable, but she softened up later on. I didn't really start watching until maybe season 5? I don't even remember anymore :p I love SGA too (I'm still mad it got cancelled :mad:)--Rodney McKay's my favorite in that :D
    Of course I don't mind! I actually think someone just followed me through your blog. So, I highly appreciate it. When I update my link list *cough cough* procrastination *cough* I'll make sure to add you :)
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