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  • Welcome to TDL!
    Oh, and I got to go to Scotland last fall, it was absolutely amazing. I'm kind of jealous you get to live there :)
    Just saw your Scottish home-reference. You must go into the Writing Club, find a thread called "The Tale of Sophia Renee," and read it from the beginning.
    For where "Where is Narnia?" is, I can only figure, somewhere in the upper half of the main page.

    When Odysseus and some of his men were captives of the Cyclops Polyphemos who intended to eat them, Polyphemos asked Odysseus' name. Odysseus answered "No Man" (whatever that comes to in ancient Greek). When Odysseus got his chance to put the Cyclops' eye out and he and his men escaped, the other Cyclopses asked why Polyphemos was screaming. Polyphemos told them that No Man had hurt him--so they figured he was okay!
    Welcome aboard! Your chosen username reminds me of the legendary Odysseus calling himself No Man.
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