BarbarianKing Dec 6, 2012 Happy Birthday! Hey! You and your sister joined when you were still 9! You were probably the youngest members then!
Happy Birthday! Hey! You and your sister joined when you were still 9! You were probably the youngest members then!
V ValiantLioness Jul 15, 2012 Hello! How have you been?I'm sorry if I'm being nosy; I just haven't heard from you in awhile.
V ValiantLioness Jun 10, 2012 Hi! Ohmigosh, my flight's in two and 3/4 hours, an I'm not ready. Eeep!
loverble Feb 21, 2012 I've signed you up for the next mafia game but post something so they can find you easily when giving out the roles xxx
I've signed you up for the next mafia game but post something so they can find you easily when giving out the roles xxx