Lady of Narnia

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  • Happy birthday, youngster! I can attest that NOT ONLY is there life after thirty, there's even life after seventy.
    That is true... I guess I am finally ready for people to sing Christmas carols now. I am one of those people who staunchly believes that we shouldn't let Halloween, Black Friday, or Christmas happen during Thanksgiving lol
    Hey Lonny! It is going well! I am really enjoying my husband's Thanksgiving Break; it is nice having him around. :D How about you?
    Is your avatar that of Molly Hooper? I recently discovered Sherlock and L-O-V-E it! Cannot wait until the new season premieres next year! :D

    No concrete plans for the summer. Mostly just enjoying it. I canned jam with my roommate the other day, which was very exciting for me. :D I've been reading a bit. Will likely pick up writing at some point.

    Dear Lonny,

    (I always enjoyed that our names were similar... :p)

    I really did enjoy studying history. There are a lot of interesting jobs possible in the field, but most of them require further education. I'll be patient and see what the Lord has in store.

    Wow, illustration! I hope you've been getting interesting jobs! I think college is indeed something too many people assume, and I do encourage people to take a break from it and really consider it carefully if they're not sure what they want to do. How do you like freelancing so far?

    I'm always happy to hear of seminarians. :) It's something I've considered at one point, and I might still go back one day. I took Greek in college and loved it, so I would not be opposed to two or three years delving deeper into the Bible. Is your husband considering ministry? Has he any classes over the summer? Or is he busy working?
    Well, I am am staying at my in-laws for a few weeks as we sell stuff on ebay to afford our first-and-last for our new apartment. Doing well, though.
    Dearest Lonny,

    It appears that I have not been the most active member either. There is a lot of catching up to do. I've just graduated, with a degree in History, which I absolutely enjoyed, but is not the most useful in finding work. I'm been applying to jobs mostly at non-profits or libraries, both lovely places. We'll see how long it'd take me to land something.

    If I may ask, what is it like to be married and in college? College on its own was stressful enough, and as wonderful as marriage is, it must have been a hard balance. Glad it's awesome though. Glad you're doing well. :)

    What are you studying in college? Is your husband in college as well? Or is he working?

    Ewww sorry about the tummy turnings! :(
    Family reunion? Exciting. We are going to see family this weekend too on our way to tour my future home town. I also get to see my husband on Sunday :D yay lol

    Hmm... I am not sure for certain, but some time in the upcoming weeks.
    Hey Lonny! It went really well. We have accepted a first grade teaching position! :) So, now we are trying to get things packed up and such. How are you? :)
    Oh that was so funny!!!! We went on for months I think :D And then you started to take notes and we had so much fun with all the polls and stuff. Oh those great times! But we still have great times even though we are older and our lifes have changed. Oh do you wanna do drawing or graphical design? I'm into graphical design and still make hockey wallpapers but also many of Dr Who. There are so many great tutorial sites which helped me. Creating illustrations for children's books is something amazing. There is so much you can do with that. And children are always happy :) Well almost always :D
    glad to hear your day has gone well! :) I am doing good. Husband has an interview this Friday, so we are praying that it goes well. Ah yes, Benisse surprised me with a message on TDL congratulating me and was all like, "wha?" lol Too many secrets... too many secrets :p
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