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  1. Gus-Gus

    Who's your best friend?

    Who is your best friemd of dancing lawn!!?????? :D
  2. Gus-Gus

    Someone knows..........

    Someone knows Floricienta? its only curiosity!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Gus-Gus

    Fav character and why/Which ... is your favorite?

    Which..... Which of all the characters its your favorite? Mine is Mr.Beaver!! :D
  4. Gus-Gus

    Which part?

    Which was your favorite part of the book? :p Mine was when they confused Shasta with Corin!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
  5. Gus-Gus

    who you choose of the 4 brother Pevensie!

    Hello, who you prefer : :rolleyes: Peter :o Susan :cool: Edmund :eek: Lucy