Search results

  1. ~The Narnia Addict~

    [Request] Combine 3 Moving Avvies

    Can any one combine 3 moving avvies for me? This - Left side This - Middle - If its possible, could someone resize this, keeping it still moving to be the same size as the other one? This - Right side I will be your best friend if you do this for me lol
  2. ~The Narnia Addict~

    Request .......... ?

    I'd really appreciate if someone could make me an LotR moving siggy with all the characters. So like every 2-3 seconds it would switch to another character. Can anyone help? Gandalf Aragorn Gimli Legolas Boromir Faramir Saruman Frodo Sam Merry Pippin The Witch King with Nazgul & mask Eowyn...
  3. ~The Narnia Addict~

    I have the same b-day as Will! *GASP*

    I got the idea from QueenAravisWannabe (Pl0x dont be mad at me for getting the idea from you) and since its true for me and Will I'd thought I'd post it :D We were both born on April 27.
  4. ~The Narnia Addict~

    How Annoying Does This Get?? Its a catchy tune, but its annoying after a while.
  5. ~The Narnia Addict~

    LotR siggies or avvy

    Can anyone make me the mega siggy or avvie (I think the avvy would be way too huge in size, moving with all the characters, right?) of lord of the rings? I would probably want pretty much every character in it, so I'll list them Gandalf Aragorn Gimli Legolas Boromir Faramir Saruman Frodo Sam...
  6. ~The Narnia Addict~

    Would My Name...

    Would my name be better as The Narnia Addict (The way it is now) or ~The Narnia Addict~ Feedback purty pl0x. I might change it.
  7. ~The Narnia Addict~

    Any way to fix?

    When I try to put a moving thingy in my avatar it says the max bytes it uses is 20,000. This has around 28,000. Is there any way to make it fit?
  8. ~The Narnia Addict~

    Need a banner....Please?

    OK if anyone here is willing to help me, I'll be greatful :D Can I have the just the car (No top and bottom bars) in there? Then can someone add Tyfly and Death is only the beginning. With it?
  9. ~The Narnia Addict~

    Bond. [Insert name here] Bond/Darth_____

    OK you know in all those James Bond movies he goes like Bond. James Bond. This is a thread where you take out the "James" and add something of your own. Also add an action and/or phrase that person would do. Like Darth Vader, he would take out his Light Saber, or would say "Join the Dark...
  10. ~The Narnia Addict~

    2007 Movies

    The Bourne Ultimatum Mrs. Doubtfire 2 Spiderman 3 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix IMAX Magneto Wolverine Pirates of the Carribean: World's End Shrek the Third -aka- Shrek 3 The Ring Three Ratatouile The Simpsons Movie Fantasic Four and the...
  11. ~The Narnia Addict~

    Do You Believe In Magic?

    Do You Believe In Magic? This video was a good bye from MadV (the magician) because he is no longer being on YouTube. He got a TV contract. Do You?
  12. ~The Narnia Addict~

    Go To The Chatroom!

    I'm bored. Go to the chatroom ! :D
  13. ~The Narnia Addict~

    Napoleon Dynamites Favorite Song

  14. ~The Narnia Addict~

    Pepsi or Coke?

    WHICH ONE WILL YOU CHOOSE!?!?! ANSWER ME! I choose Pepsi because it has more SUGAR.
  15. ~The Narnia Addict~

    The Official Funny Pics Thread

    This is a thread where you can show really funny pics. Here are some that I found: When someones Co-workers are away
  16. ~The Narnia Addict~

    100 Ways To Have Fun - RESTAURANT EDITION

    NOTE: IDEA GOTTEN FROM Haley Pevencie... This is where you tell about how you have fun in restaurant, or annoying people. Mine: Go into McDonalds asking for a Whopper Go into Burger King asking for a McBurger or something. Spread ketchup all over the ketchup handle (which is red) (Cause...
  17. ~The Narnia Addict~

    narnia monopoly

    All good movies ALWAYS have monopolies... I Hope...
  18. ~The Narnia Addict~

    Cast Biographies/Trivia!

    Georgie Biography Skandar Biography William Biography Anna Biography I'll find more people soon... EDIT: More people Tilda Swinton Biography James McAvoy Biography
  19. ~The Narnia Addict~

    Resize Image?

    Can someone resize this image for me so it fits into 250 x 550 pixels for my sig?
  20. ~The Narnia Addict~

    narnia monopoly

    think there might be, probably in america though, but you could always have it shipped :)