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  1. the town hippie

    Thread for people who don`t wanna go to the Prom thing

    Is there anyone out there who dosn`t wanna go to the prom thing?
  2. the town hippie

    Share an audio

    Yay! Now we can hear each other`s voices! Um, let`s see, I gotta find one.
  3. the town hippie

    Describe your RPG charicter

    Desribe yer rpg person from one of the duffer threads (pirates, nights rangers, etc) Apolo Anton Ohno is the captain oprooved cook onboard the Black Spot. He is around the age of 26, and has a passion fer...
  4. the town hippie


    Anyone here a fan?
  5. the town hippie

    The stuff you HATE!

    Snakes, celery, anything that turns my toungue colors, and the movie napoliane dynamite. *Shiver*
  6. the town hippie

    Why do I feel this way?

    Aahh! I need a car! I`m getting sick of my life! And I all of a sudden I detest girls. Hmmmm, must be a stage I`m going thru. :rolleyes:
  7. the town hippie

    I wunder what will happen when.......

    I wunder what will happen when all the skander fans watch as skander gets married, becomes a greyhead, and retires. Well, I`m sure most of us by that time will also be married, greyheads too. I hope no one will complain or something.
  8. the town hippie

    The loyal order of Hippies!

    Anyone wana join? PM me.
  9. the town hippie

    The Meaning of lol

    Hmmmm............ What does it mean to you?
  10. the town hippie

    Who is on yer Buddy List?

    Ok, my buddy list includes Jimmy Kickarse, Machiathemarshwiggle, Thenaiadhobbit, *Is obsessed with Will*, fish_wwjd_frog, mrstummnus99, QueenAravis48, and Mar! Who`s on yers?
  11. the town hippie

    The Passion of the Christ

    OK, Easter is coming up and I bought the Passion to watch when the time is right. But the Passion is rated R, for graphic violence. Anyone seen the movie? If you have, what senes might I want to turn my head on?
  12. the town hippie


    OK, this is a WIERD thing to ask, but do you believe in bigfoot or some other strange animal (like the loch ness monster)??? :confused:
  13. the town hippie

    Who`s your Olympic crush?

    OK, let`s be flat out with each other, who is the Olympian you`ve got a crush on? Mine`s Kimmie Meissner! :o