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  1. bree

    time to have fun!

    hey dose it seem like when you got or get older peaple think you can have fun or just be silly cause thats how it seem these days i mean i am six teen and i love kid shows like sponge bob or i like playing nerf with my brothers
  2. bree

    home schooling or public schooling

    this is a thread on if YOU would to have liked to have been public schooled or hoe schooled:confused: if this is too personal i am trully sorry:o
  3. bree

    cool game have found

    hey im back and i have found this game called battlefront2 it seems to have know blood or enything for that matter to make it teen but since its teen i can not play it why do the makers do that:confused:
  4. bree

    my book

    im trying too write a book called ice ranger about a boy called dinnock who finds out from a wizard that he has the bloodline of the ice rangers a race of men with magical stafs that can weild ice and the gurdians of the land called shawnawka but every one thinks the wizards ar fools so what...
  5. bree


    this tread is for all the puns you have good or bad my brothers they like sum of my puns but im runing loe on my supply so lets get puning:cool::eek::):D
  6. bree

    port o potty tippers

    have you ever tip a port a potty with some one in it or locked them in if so was it fun and if you were the victem or the tiipper;):D;):p
  7. bree


    hy ided like to know wat theas duffers are it sounds like fun idea i know there from dawn treader but thats it:confused:
  8. bree

    navy seals

    my brother is going to be a navy seal i was wandering if your family is a miltary family like mine;)