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  1. Kitanna

    Superheroes and Supervillains

    Since summer never seems to be complete without a superhero movie I was wondering who people favored. Whether movie versions, TV versions, comic book version, or whatever, who is your favorite superhero or supervillain and why? Also talk about the history of the hero, incase others don't know...
  2. Kitanna

    JC Superstar

    Anyone here a fan of Andrew Llyod Webber's Jesus Christ Superstar? I've been watching the movie for years, but just recently I bought my mom the soundtrack and I had the chance to actually listen to the lyrics. So now I burned the soundtrack onto my computer to I can listen to it whenever I...
  3. Kitanna

    It's ok Butterbur, I still love you

    Butterbur may have been quite forgetful, but he was still a good guy. And each time I read FOTR, my opinion of Aragorn is always brought done by how harshly he treats the poor innkeeper. Sure Barliman was not the brightest penny in the fountain, but he had good intentions. He wanted to keep...
  4. Kitanna

    Dumb as a box of rocks

    In Prince Caspian, and many other fantasy books, giants are usually pretty strong, but also pretty stupid. Is it some sort of unwritten law that if you are big and muscular you have to have a brain the size of a nut? It makes me kind of sad that in Prince Caspian the gentle giant...
  5. Kitanna

    Dead Poet's Society

    Five years ago my English teacher showed us the first ten minutes of this movie so we could compare it to whatever book we had been reading at the time. So a few days ago I finally saw the movie in full and it was fantastic. I regret not watching it sooner. Based in a time when conformity ruled...
  6. Kitanna

    Tamora Pierce

    I was wondering if anyone hear has read any of Tamora Pierce's books. She's well-known for her Lioness Series about Alanna the lady knight. But she has several other series including The Immortals and Protectors of the Small and two more of which I am less familiar with. I was just curious to...