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  1. sk8ergurl

    AIM? Msn Messenger?

    hey peoples!!! i don't know if there's already a thread like this, but I just wanted 2 see how many people on here have AIM/msn messenger... if u wanna chat with me my AIM screen name is XathleticXgurlX u can add me anytime...
  2. sk8ergurl

    i can make glittery words

    I know someone already has a thread like this but who cares..... lol. anyways the thread already gives it away. I CAN MAKE GLITTERY WORDS!! so pleez request!
  3. sk8ergurl

    help me!

    I know this sounds a little dumb but I don't know how 2 post pictures into my photobucket. I use paint. Help?!?!!!
  4. sk8ergurl

    How Many Guys are on here?

    ok the title reallly gives it away. I'm not sure if there's already a thread like this....... Ummm anyways if ur a guy just post on here. U can chat on here 2.
  5. sk8ergurl


    will anyonw make an advatar 4 me tht has a picture of Skandar on it and i want it 2 say," Run! The Skandarnites r coming!!!" anyone? pleez! I've asked a couple of people but they all said tht they can't make one with a lot of words. someone!?
  6. sk8ergurl

    Do Not Press!!!

    Go onto this link: Keep pressing the button. There's a trick behind the whole thing. It's kinda stupid but amusing Whoops! sorry I put this into the wrong forum. Sorry. Can anyone move this 2 the right one? thx!
  7. sk8ergurl

    If you could change your name what would it be?

    It doesn't even have 2 be a name! Just something you'd liked to be called.
  8. sk8ergurl

    Do you want to do something but you can't?

    like... meet your favorite celebrity. or.... if you're crazy, jump off a roof. or hook up with your school crush? Idk if this thread has already been posted but I hope it hasn't. Enjoy!
  9. sk8ergurl

    Isn't my last name wierd?

    My last name is Dai. but you pronouce it as die. so guys are like, Tiffany, die! I wish my last name was different.
  10. sk8ergurl

    R u a prep, punk, tomboy, nerd, geek, bookworm, ect.?

    I am a total tomboy. Wat about u?