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  1. S

    How do you delete your account?

    How do you delete your account??
  2. S

    Paint Shop Pro

    Okay, I don't know if there is a thread exactly like this, but this is for people who use any Paint Shop Pro for their graphics....So if you have any questions about it, somebody else might have some tips, or if you find a really good tutorial, etc. So who does use psp????
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    Sisteuber's Request Thread

    Hello..Well this is a request thread for glitter banners, color box banners, avvys, and blends...Request away!! Here are some examples: Blend: Color Box Banner: Avatar: Glitter Banner: I can also write words on pictures like this...
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    Color Box Banners

    Okay...I can make banners for anyone who wants them...they are not blends..they are more like color boxes...If you want one i just need the pics you want...what color you want the pics to be...and if you want any words...3 pictures works the best but i can do 4 or 5...My examples are...
  5. S

    I can make glitter banners if anyone wants one..

    Just tell me what you want it to say and the color.. Edit: These are the fonts I can use...