Search results

  1. Sunrise

    "Living Water" - inspired by Aslan and Jill's meeting in The Silver Chair

    I've had this idea kicking around for some time, and finally sat down to hash it out yesterday. This will only make sense if you are familiar with the Bible story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, which can be found in the fourth chapter of John. I'd love some crit from some of you...
  2. Sunrise

    Light in the Darkness

    Ok, this was inspired by a recent dream, one of those things where this whole long, symbolic, profound conversation occurs and then when you wake up you can only remember a line or two, and suddenly they seem ridiculous rather than profound! :p However, the dream itself was so moving - I've...
  3. Sunrise

    More art from Narnia

    Since my old threads are long gone, I thought I'd throw up a few of my art things again. This was part of a series I did for a website. The "cover" for the article on the book. All copyrights apply. The right-click feature does not make this yours.
  4. Sunrise

    Chronicles of Prydain

    Since nobody's mentioned this one yet, I'm put in my usual role as crusader. Anybody out there a fan of Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain? It's a series of five books: The Book of Three The Black Cauldron The Castle of Llyr Taran Wanderer The High King Please don't confuse them with the...
  5. Sunrise

    Fangirl entertainment - a side effect of the film

    I am psychic. :rolleyes: Did I not make this prediction months ago? "Now, here's the thing that worries me. The film is going to get watched by a lot of tween kids ... which will result in a flooding of Narnia sites with a bunch of giggly fangirls leaving posts like: "OMG Peter is teh...
  6. Sunrise

    New Narnia Artwork

    Here's some more I've done in the past few months. They're all from VDT, except the bottom right, which is from H&HB. [/IMG]
  7. Sunrise

    Artwork for LLW

    *looks around* There's almost nothing on this board, art-wise! I can't be the only person who does this! Well. I've put my gallery link up elsewhere, but here it is again: And here's a sample of my work. Three from...