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  1. she-elfwarrior19

    Something that was so hilariously lame about the animated...

    i grew up with it Ya like i practically grew up with that animated version. I love it so much and surelt will all my life
  2. she-elfwarrior19

    Fave Last Battle character?

    Who is your fave LB charecter? Mine would have to be the last king Tirian. He seems like a great guy. Im just reading Last battle over again. And the way Lewis describes him at the beggining like "between twenty and twenty five years old, his shoulders already broad and strong and his limbs...
  3. she-elfwarrior19

    Something that was so hilariously lame about the animated...

    I love that one lol the animated. Ya i thought it was funny when maugrim and peter faughgt when you think about it it does llok like a type of dance lol
  4. she-elfwarrior19

    whats your fave book of all 7?

    This may take you a while to think about, on your fave book between all seven, or maybe it will be easy for you to answer, for me its kinda hard
  5. she-elfwarrior19

    Whats your fave between lotr and CON?

    Whats your fave series, lord of the rings? Or chronivles of Narnia? Me of course i would totally choose Narnia, but im still a huge lotr fan to what do you think? :eek:
  6. she-elfwarrior19

    Least Favorite Character

    You may think this is a dum question, but who is your least charectar, mine would have to be..........hmmm......ummmmm..... anyone have a least fave?
  7. she-elfwarrior19

    Help! I need The Animated version -79

    animated my brother has it, but i dont know where he got it but it in great condition, in dvd. :D