Search results

  1. QueenSusanofNarnia

    We ♥ It

    There's a cool website I've been a member of for a bit called We ♥ It. Basically, it is a picture website that is updated whenever anyone "hearts" an image on the internet (for more about that visit the site) - basically, it never stops updating. It's got thousands - if not millions - of really...
  2. QueenSusanofNarnia

    TDL Oscars

    Tomorrow, the Academy will announce the 2008 Oscar Nominees, so I thought it'd be fun to have YOU be the Academy (ie, the voters), and then see who our winners are. :) There'll be most of the categories in the Oscars (see below), and you can PM me with your nominees for each category. Some...
  3. QueenSusanofNarnia

    What Are You Watching?

    The name says it all. Mean Girls.
  4. QueenSusanofNarnia


    My first TDL fan fic in a really long time! I'm kind of excited about it, actually!!! :) So here it goes. Takes place during the Golden Age of Narnia. *** A pair of bright brown eyes peered at Susan from underneath the table. "Lucy, get a grip," Susan muttered. "You're a queen now, you had...
  5. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Post a Cool Photo.

    Name says it all. Just post a really awesome photo. And no moving photos. (And no, this one isn't moving.)
  6. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Help QSoN Out!

    Hey everyone - I've got a little problem. (He-he.) My DeviantArt account was recently cleaned out by the dA amins, and the only other place that had those graphics was my computer itself, which was fixed last month and had all the files wiped. If you have any of the graphics I've made you -...
  7. QueenSusanofNarnia

    QSoN's Graphics.

    Hi loves. :) So I've, over the course of the several years I've been here on TDL, had multiple graphics threads but they've all kind of died. So now I'm starting one again. So if you want t osee some of the stuff I've made, check out Hannah's (Gentle Voice) current signature and avatar, as well...
  8. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Your Favourite Film.

    So, I was browsing, and I don't think there is a single thread out there for people to just say what their favourite film is. So here is one, and if there're others, sorry, matey mods. :) So basically, say what your favourite film is, director, year, who's in it, and if you want, what it's...
  9. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Emile Hirsch

    Anyone else a fan of actor Emile Hirsch? I've recently become a little obsessed. :p (In my signature and avatar.) His films include Milk (2008), Speed Racer (2008), Into the Wild (2007), Alpha Dog (2007), Lords of Dogtown (2005), and more.
  10. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Soooo, what'd'ya get?

    Though prezzies obviously aren't the main point of Christmas, what'd you get? For me, I got tickets to the Broadway show WICKED as well as several DVDs and books. How about YOU?
  11. QueenSusanofNarnia

    PotC 4?

    Okay, so I heard today that there's a fourth PIRATES film coming out, starring Johnny Depp. ??? If this is trueeee, are Orlando Bloom and Keria Knightley returning? (I, personally, can not see myself enjoying a PotC film without Orly. :rolleyes:) Your thoughts?
  12. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Imogen Heap/Regina Spektor/Norah Jones/Lily Allen

    Anyone a fan of artists like Imogen Heap, Regina Spektor, Norah Jones, and Lily Allen? Heap and Spektor have both done songs for NARNIA - Heap did "Can't Take It In" for LWW, and Spektor did "The Call" for PC (which may be nominated for an Oscar this year).
  13. QueenSusanofNarnia

    365 Portraits

    Has anyone heard of 365 Portraits? It's very cool - I found it while on the Wiki page for Imogen Heap. Check it out!!
  14. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Book Cover Contest

    Vote for your favorite person's covers. Also, you can see more peoples' entries here: CLOSES ON FRIDAY 5 DECEMBER.
  15. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Book Cover Contest

    So contests have been quite popular in my day here on TDL, and book cover-making has become increasingly popular as well. So we combine! :) Make a book cover. It can be one of your books, or a published book - anime, fantasy, sci-fi, romance, non-fiction, any genre! Things that must be...
  16. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Journey to the Center of the Earth (Movie and Book)

    So last night I saw Journey to the Center of the Earth, and it was really good! Bascially, it's the story of a professor named Trevor (Brendan Fraser) who is studying volcanic activity at a university. His brother Max disappeared ten years before while doing field work in Iceland. Max's son...
  17. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Project Runway Season 5

    Anyone else totally stoaked for the sure-to-be-fierce fifth season of Project Runway?! It beings on Wednesday, July 16th on Bravo.
  18. QueenSusanofNarnia

    QSoN's Graphics

    Er,, um. Yeah. Examples... Some of my stuff are from my DeviantArt account (Maid-Marian) but some I just uploaded from Tinypic, etc., because I was too lazy to go through DA's entire upload, you can use anything, 'slong as you ask first (just so I know you're using it) and...
  19. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Harry Gregson-Williams Scoring Again!!

    Is anyone else extrodinarily ecstatic about Gregson-Williams scoring VDT?
  20. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Sweeney Todd (Stage & Movie)

    I couldn't find a thread for either the musical or the film, so I thought I'd make one! I recently saw the film and fell in love with it and hope that Broadway (or someone, for that matter) will revive it soon! Anyone else a fan?