Search results

  1. QueenSusanofNarnia

    The Official Best Word

    Which is the best? Ace/Aceness, Brill/Brillness, El-Coolio/El-Coolioness? Or another word? Vote here!
  2. QueenSusanofNarnia

    End-of-the-year annoyances

    Okay. So, yesterday, I went to this camp with the other 84 people in my grade as a sort of end-of-the-year thing, you know, to say goodbye to middle school, and to the 8 people who are leaving for new schools for next year. So, yesterday, we were doing a bunch of community service, hanging out...
  3. QueenSusanofNarnia

    The Singles Ball

    Dresses! Shoes! Hair! Makeup! And of course tuxes. This is a ball for all the single TDLers out there. No dates, if you please (no-dates being mandatory, I mean to say). It will be on April 30th. You don't have to post your dress or shoes or anything in your sig, as I know many of them are...
  4. QueenSusanofNarnia

    War-Torn Heart

    This is a story about the Smith children - three girls, one boy - who lost their father in World War III. America is left torn up and diminished to hardly anything, and so their mother sends them to live with family "friends" Mrs Jonas and Mr Weatherby, and their children Heather (15) and Julia...
  5. QueenSusanofNarnia


    Rank the following Genres in order of favorite (1) to least favorite. Fantasy (ex: LotR, HP, CoN) Romance/Romantic Comedy (ex: Love Actually, Pride and Prejudice, Hitch) Funny Stupid - More Funny than Comedy (ex. Anchorman, Blades of Glory) Adventure (ex. Mission Impossible, James Bond)...
  6. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Who Would Have Thought? - The Marauders

    This is a HP fanfic about the four marauders - James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew - and Lily Evans, and what happened before Voldemort's attack on Godric's Hallow. There are four parts in this story. Part One - 1976-77: Their final year at Hogwarts. Part Two - 1978...
  7. QueenSusanofNarnia

    To Publish, or Not To Publish?

    my english teacher thinks i should get some of my work published. i don't know if I should. should I????
  8. QueenSusanofNarnia


    Based on Robin Hood! Characters: Robin - the greatest theif in Nottingham, he steals from the rich and gives to the poor, as I'm sure you know. He is a handsome, irresistable young man in love with Marian. Marian - the beautiful daughter of the former Nottingham sheriff, Marian attracts...
  9. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Ron + Hermione

    He so likes her... Because Everything Ron had was "rubbish" before Hermione He so likes her... Because Ron risked going too far with Snape, just to defend Hermione "... five more points .. for being an insufferable know-it-all." ... Ron, who told Hermione she was a know-it-all at least twice...
  10. QueenSusanofNarnia


    You're sitting on a cold stone floor, not knowing what's going on with you. One second you're with your friends, then next you're with your thoughts. Alone. I'm telling you this, so that you know, the pain you caused. You've driven the thorn deeper into the wound, and it can't be pulled out...
  11. QueenSusanofNarnia

    EDG - End Darfur Genocide

    "Never Again" was the motto of the Holocaust, the most horrific genocide ever to take place in history. Never again did the world leaders want genocide to happen. But it's happening again, all over the world. Darfur, a Sudanese region, is under a horrible genocide attack against...
  12. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Branded ^^Save this link, and visit for updates!!!^^ (Story by Me!)
  13. QueenSusanofNarnia

    The Fool I Am

    I can show you how much of a Fool I am. I thought I was in love, but it was just a child's crush. The Fool I Am made me believe what a stupid thing love can be. I can't tell you what I think, because I'm no longer here. A body on Earth with no Soul to guide it. The Fool I Am made me...
  14. QueenSusanofNarnia

    "I Am" Poems

    I am Spontaneous and curious I wonder what death is like I hear the phoenix sing I see the portraits move I want to feel the wand in my hand I am spontaneous and curious I pretend I am there I feel the magic beneath my fingers I touch the soft, white mane I worry for others I cry when...
  15. QueenSusanofNarnia

    The Official Martial Artist Club

    Whether you do Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Judo, or anything like that, you're welcome here!!! To join, please say: Your Martial Art: Belt: Mine is Martial Art: Tae Kwon Do Belt: 2nd Degree Black
  16. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Need Now!

    I need a picture of a quill (white, prefferably) and on it says: The Young Writers Guild Can anyone make it PRONTO and PM it to me???
  17. QueenSusanofNarnia

    The Photograph

    When I look at it, I cannot hold back tears. When I hold it, I cannot fight back fears. Slicing through my heart, Like the slaying bullet, Pain kills me. The photograph That was last took, You and me, Together and happy. I look back, and cannot Realize how this simple life was Shattered...
  18. QueenSusanofNarnia


    Based on the play/book, this is Oliver Twist. Please choose from the characters from the PLAY: Oliver- an orphan boy born in a workhouse - TAKEN by Pollywannabe Fagin- recruits and trains boys for thievery - TAKEN by SimonW The Artful Dodger- aka Jack Dawkins – one of Fagin's boy...
  19. QueenSusanofNarnia

    Todays My Brithday! WEEEE!!!

    Today, where I am, it is snowing. 14 years ago, it was snowing. And a little tiny thing was born. ME!!!! I'M 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. QueenSusanofNarnia

    The Young Writers Guild

    I've set up a forum called the Young Writers Guild. Here, all the people of TDL (19 and younger) can submit their work and be critiqued. The forum can be reached here. Or the link in my signature. My Username there, as admin, is OpheliaAdmin. If you have any questions about it, please...