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  1. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    At a time when he had no pressing tasks to finish, Matthew jogged out to a quiet pasture not currently in use, bringing the Dice-Aract with him. In the center of the grassy space, the young man swept the landscape with his gaze, then closed his eyes. The artifact must be waiting for me to...
  2. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    In the Cambodia of Urth, in the city at the north end of Lake Tonle Nap, a high-ranking official called Inspector Funan came to meet with several heroes who belonged to, or were friendly with, the Justified League. These were Schuyler Vinson, alias "Squire Vindictive": the Laotian kickboxer...
  3. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    Next I'll take a look at the increasing interaction between Urth, Senphatori and Zazdub World. \\\ Urth-born human Adam Straightup, and his wife Proxima from Planet Senphatori, can be assumed to have two children by now; understand that these are being looked after by Proxima's relatives...
  4. Copperfox

    The Lone Islands: A Narnia Story

    You have an understated social speculation here. Arbitrarily arranged marriages were simply the norm for most civilizations throughout the history of our Earth. The very little Mister Lewis depicts about marriage seems to indicate that NARNIAN marriages were always by mutual consent of the...
  5. Copperfox

    And Rock Begot Metal

    For the benefit of those who imagine that metal music is automatically hostile to God. This hymn rendition WAS NOT intended as mockery.
  6. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    )))))))) "Have you studied the objects thoroughly? Good. Now, stand back to back, but three paces apart, so you won't bump into each other. One more time, look at all the objects..... Done? Very well. Remember that I may call out an object which has your companion standing between you and...
  7. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    In Vodranor, birthplace of Ilya Trostel, Wyatt Hickok's party, with surviving wounded sailors from the Leaping Swordfish, were lodged in a hospice. Note that, unlike modern Original Earth usage, "hospice" doesn't necessarily mean a place for end-of-life care (but may Aslan bless and reward all...
  8. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    Two mortar shots, joined by a sleet of arrows and bullets, massacred nearly half of the bandits. But they were not out of tricks. While pretending to accept a merciful invitation to yield, they pulled a tactic none of the good guys had ever seen before. Thirteen men, smaller than their...
  9. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    I don't seem _ever_ to have decided _what_ is the big deal in Udraski! So until further notice, I'll just let our guys kick butt on some bandits, and then let the other Udraskians get on board with joining civilization-- even interested in acquiring telegraph service. \\\ More...
  10. Copperfox

    Also, to keep Specter happy, I suggest you replace "rape" with "assault."

    Also, to keep Specter happy, I suggest you replace "rape" with "assault."
  11. Copperfox

    Good story details made the scene "real." But pay attention to VERB TENSES. In the post which...

    Good story details made the scene "real." But pay attention to VERB TENSES. In the post which describes meal preparation, "It will convinced" is supposed to be FUTURE tense, thus no D at the end. "He still want" needs to be PAST tense. "Now you could see" needs to be "CAN see."
  12. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    I remind the readers that this Earth's version of Colorado has the same town of Limon as on Original Earth. In _this_ Limon, the largest single retail store was Farm, Road and Ranch, owned by Franz Schiller, who in his prime had been an ambulance driver specializing in...
  13. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    The expressionless face was the one vestige of her cold smugness that Washday could retain. "You're a.... misogynistic.... patriarch," she panted. "My capable of.... breaking Mother's.... neck, if.... he wanted to. But he.... _lets_ her hit him.... at parties.... then bounces back...
  14. Copperfox

    You don't need to explain to ME about the demands of life. If you're not aware of this already...

    You don't need to explain to ME about the demands of life. If you're not aware of this already, I am the real-world guardian of "Wood Nymph;" and being a father-substitute for her is an EIGHT-days-a-week job. Catching up on the Tirian story: if Baby Adinah can close her hand around Jill's...
  15. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    Deuce purposely made his expression more startled than the weird question warranted. "Miss Anagram, do you mind clarifying what _kind_ of genocide you refer to?" The rich young woman's face persisted in showing nothing, but she allowed her tone to become a bit more emphatic. "Of _course,_...
  16. Copperfox

    Spacebullies Two: The Search For More Parody

    Okay, I'm back on MY restored laptop! The unfinished Heyho action above is now complete, setting us free to join Street Bat on Bat-Earth. Deuce Wayans' henchmen, the Chinese-American Chang-Shi Kirby and the British Air Force veteran Alvin Springbuck, had completed their alternating...
  17. Copperfox

    I'm _finally_ back! It was the charging unit, not the internal battery, which most lately...

    I'm _finally_ back! It was the charging unit, not the internal battery, which most lately needed to be replaced. You're so right about youth fiction. On the Y-A shelves in bookstores, 98 percent of covers depict an unbeatable super-chick, who leaps over mountains without even looking, and who...
  18. Copperfox

    I only just now got my laptop back from the shop, and ALREADY it is fighting bitterly AGAINST...

    I only just now got my laptop back from the shop, and ALREADY it is fighting bitterly AGAINST receiving charge in its battery.
  19. Copperfox

    C.S. Lewis the movie!

    It is known that he answered many fan letters from kids. I remember one instance: Lewis assured a child that, at the end of "Dawn Treader," Reepicheep does make it into Aslan's Country.
  20. Copperfox

    Happy birthday, youngster! I can attest that NOT ONLY is there life after thirty, there's even...

    Happy birthday, youngster! I can attest that NOT ONLY is there life after thirty, there's even life after seventy.