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  1. Gentle Voice

    Guss the real name above you

    okay here it gose you have to guss the User name real name and if you get it right well hmm I don't just have fun with it.
  2. Gentle Voice

    I need a banner

    hey can one of you guys make me two T-squids banner one for me and on for a friend I have who love that band if you need any help finding a pic for them I can help/
  3. Gentle Voice

    Naruto Banner Contest

    all right I need to see your best work on Naruto you can use any charachter you like this is only for those who know about this show it well end on June the 20th.. heres what Harlequin: and here what Danny Dani made...
  4. Gentle Voice


    okay this is for the guys who love this show oh come on I know you like this show even I like this. Chars Hotshot(racecar) Mortor(bike) Sceler(holercopter) Flim(firetruck) Opitmus Prime Megatron Jetfire Starscream Uni-cron? I for got the rast and you can make up some if you like Mine...
  5. Gentle Voice

    Going to Japan

    OK this is a story about a girl name Kc and she well find some thing she well never believe.oh and just letting you guys know she goes thou a black hole so none of you gets confuse. CH 1 My ride to Japan One day Kc was getting ready to go to her Summer job when her mother told her the good...
  6. Gentle Voice

    Dose anyone know?

    I want to know if any one knowies about Naruto if so theres a girl name Hinata and a guy name Kiba and I want to to if you can make me a banner of them togetter say we might to be togetter?
  7. Gentle Voice

    Forms of Tae Kwon DO

    I want to know if any of you guys take Tae Kwon DO if so I need some of with the Takets the forms like 2 and 3.
  8. Gentle Voice

    Dance with the staries

    okay this about danceing with the stariesyou can pick anyone to dance with and you can pick any songs to dance to if you want. Rules one: do not use to much OOC all the time Two: you can't use adult lanugh all the time Tree: have fun with it. I neeed Name: Age Star I be danceing with: Bio...
  9. Gentle Voice

    Dream world

    okay this about this teens who gose to this really cool school called Dream School its about this teens who dream and the real them shows up no one even knows who who in the real world everyone acts difften then the dream world. Name: Lara King Age:19 Bio: she is a shy girl who no one even...
  10. Gentle Voice

    what Newsie are you?

    hey guys Spritwolf gave me a great Idea to do this so its mostly hers and my thread find out wich Newsie you are it said I was Spot lol <p><a href=""><IMG src="" border=0><br> </a href><br>
  11. Gentle Voice

    Anime Fans

    okay I know some of you like anime and what kind do you like you can see I like Naruto Japnesse not American.
  12. Gentle Voice


    hey guys I just wanted to know who like Hinata because I know I do she kinda like me shy and she sweet also she can be tough when she want to be. So who like or dislike her?
  13. Gentle Voice

    Naruto banners

    hey I just wanted to now if any of you guys make Narutos banners if so this is the thread just for you it can be any charachter from Japnase or Engish it up to you have fun.
  14. Gentle Voice

    Baby Girl

    It was 1986 when I layed my eyes on you baby girl you were the sweeties thing I ever seen before I wish I was there right now to see you grow up I'm the proudest father ever been around.The tears from your eyes show me you not the little girl I once knew oh I wish I was there right now I...
  15. Gentle Voice

    Milo Ventimiglia

    okay all you girl who likes Milo Ventimiglia come here me and my friends where thinking to make a clue for who ever likes him because I know I do/
  16. Gentle Voice


    a paryer by Hannah life is so conuseing some times but some times I wish i knew what to do but I don't know if I find it oh lord I fell lost and alone tell me if I fine the way home I'm crying out to you oh lord please help me.
  17. Gentle Voice

    The last Mizzy

    okay I don't know if you heard of this movie or book but I try this its about these kids who find some thing from outter space and could do any thing with it. If you know about this you can join.
  18. Gentle Voice


    okay I know this is for little kids but I thought to do this any way so if you want to join just let me now. Charachters. Leonardo Raphael Donatello Michelangelo made up Name: Amlilà Age:? Bio: she is the fifth meber of TMNT but she from the year 20009 Weaps:swords Color:mightnight Blue.
  19. Gentle Voice


    okay I don't know if any of you heard of this band called Jump5 the are a band who is christen and I been following them since they for began I just wanted to know if you like them or not thanks.
  20. Gentle Voice

    the gooniess

    okay I know some of you like this movie tell me why and well it be cool if its a RPG? Because I need to know who likes it and who don't