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  1. krazynarniagirl

    Subjective or Objective?

    Okay, guys... I'm doing a project for school, and I need YOU! :P (This really isn't a Duffer thread, but I'm nervous about putting it in The Socratic Club, so it's staying here, just in case. ;)) So, the project is this-- I'm supposed to give a test on whether you think the following...
  2. krazynarniagirl

    Animation Request!

    Okay, I'm not sure if this is possible, but I have two graphics I would like to have animated. Buuut, I can't figure how to do it. :p (Do I need to have three?) So, yeah... if anyone could animate them for me, that'd be great! :D Here are the pics: Thanks!
  3. krazynarniagirl

    The Prince Caspian Game

    Narnia monopoly would be AWESOME!! I'd love the Voyage of the Dawn Treader version, with all the different islands they go to.