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  1. jasmine tarkheena

    Writing A Children's Fantasy Similar to Narnia

    There are multiple fantasy series out there, though it may seem like they have fallen out of favor for a time. I was wondering if it was possible for anyone to write a children's fantasy similar to Narnia (maybe not exactly like it, but similar, possibly with four children then two children who...
  2. jasmine tarkheena

    Writing A Series In Chronological Order?

    I think a lot of us have read a series of books at one time or another. Though do they have to be written in chronological order? Well, there are book series are written that way. Though there are series that weren’t published that way. I’m sure there are numerous examples we could think of...
  3. jasmine tarkheena

    How To Do The Ending of The Last Battle

    I think we can all agree that The Last Battle will be a huge challenge to adapt to screen. It deals so much about life and death, manipulation, loyalty. Now some may wonder how can a movie or series do the ending? It's kind of tricky, especially when it deals with multiple climaxes. There was...
  4. jasmine tarkheena

    The Lone Islands: A Narnia Story

    [You may recall that in The Last Battle, Jewel speaks of King Gale delivering the Lone Islands from a dragon, and was given the Lone Islands as a permanent part of Narnia. But have you thought of the actual story? Here is another attempted fanfic about how the Lone Islands came to be a part of...
  5. jasmine tarkheena

    Narnia Antichrist

    Given that The Last Battle is about the end of Narnia, there would have to be some type of Antichrist. No, I’m not going to get into the theological aspect of it. There might be on going debate on who parallel the Antichrist in the world of Narnia: Shift or Rishda. Well, I personally think...
  6. jasmine tarkheena

    Script A Scene For Narnia Film

    How about we have a little fun, as if we were adapting Narnia into screen by writing a scene for a script. Here are the following guidelines- 1. You must be adapting a specific scene from one of the seven Narnia books. (I.e. no "fan fiction"). Though you may have to make some changes or...
  7. jasmine tarkheena

    Ideas for Opening Credits In Narnia Films

    I was thinking a lot about ideas for opening credits for each Narnia film. The first two Walden films each had a lengthy opening credits (name of company, film title, cast and crew) Here’s some ideas I was thinking- MN- a shot of Victorian London LWW- perhaps the Pevensies on the train HHB-...
  8. jasmine tarkheena

    Narnia Characters That Could Be Expanded On

    I was just thinking on how there are some characters in the Narnia books that could be expanded on. What I mean is that they could give us notions of what we already know and somehow flesh it out. Some ideas are- MN- Frank and Helen and maybe even Strawberry/Fledge. LWW- There's not really a...
  9. jasmine tarkheena

    Left Behind: The Kids Dramatic Audio

    I’ve listened to both the adult and kids series of Left Behind that was produced by Tyndale House and Gap Digital. It’s worth listening to even with some changes being made. I’ll be focusing on the kids version and discuss the adult version in another thread. The dramatic audio can be found on...
  10. jasmine tarkheena

    Left Behind: The Kids TV Series

    I haven't been on here for quite a while, with being busy and all. I've been listening to the dramatic audio presentation of The Left Behind Series (both adult and kids version). It got me wondering if the kids version could be made into a TV series. Please note: this is not for theological...
  11. jasmine tarkheena

    Christmas 2023-New Year 2024

    I would like to wish everyone on here a Merry Christmas!🎄I wonder if anyone has a favorite Holiday movie or special! I grew up watching A Charlie Brown Christmas! It even has a moment where Linus shares about Baby Jesus! Since it's pretty late in the year, I thought we could share about our...
  12. jasmine tarkheena

    A Narnia Christmas Carol

    I'm sure most of us know Charles Dickens's classic tale, A Christmas Carol, given that has been done so many times (movies, TV, even a Broadway musical). Can you imagine a Narnia version of it? It probably wouldn't be a Christmas special, but it would be fun to think about. Uncle Andrew or...
  13. jasmine tarkheena

    Religious Films And Series

    I'm sure that a lot of us at one time or another have seen at least one religious film or series or Bible-related shows. In the 40's, 50's, and 60's (I think), religious films had such an impact with blockbuster hits like The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, The Bible In The Beginning, etc. They...
  14. jasmine tarkheena

    The Adventures of Tirian and His Merry Narnians

    Even though I've been working on my own version of The Last Battle The Last Battle (My Version), I sometimes wonder what it would be like if Narnia hadn't come to end in Narnia. Jill was hoping that the end of the world of Narnia was still a long way off. Well, what if it was? First off, it...
  15. jasmine tarkheena

    Favorite Bible Stories

    I don't believe that there's been a discussion about favorite Bible stories (especially for those of us that are Christian or even grew up going to church and Sunday School). So I thought I start a discussion about one. It's hard to pick just one favorite Bible story. Mine is almost always...
  16. jasmine tarkheena

    Middle Names for Narnia Characters

    I actually thought of middle names for each Narnia character. In the books, Eustace's full name is "Eustace Clarence Scrubb." He's the only character that we know of that has a middle names. For the others, some I could think of are- Digory Edward or Digory Martin Polly Ann Peter Andrew...
  17. jasmine tarkheena

    Prince Rishda?

    I was reading in a devotional book called Roar: A Christian Family Guide To Narnia. In The Last Battle section, Rishda is referred to Prince Rishda for some reason. It kind of threw me off, because in the book, he's Rishda Tarkaan. They may have been confused with Prince Rabadash from The Horse...
  18. jasmine tarkheena

    How Long Should Narnia Films Be?

    Now that we've got news that Greta Gerwig is going to write and direct at least 2 Narnia films (we don't know which of those two will be though), it sure would make you wonder how long Narnia films should be. Any ideas on what the runtime should be?
  19. jasmine tarkheena

    How Do You Think A New Narnia Film or Series Will Order The Series

    Even though a lot of Narnia fans are dead set on reading the books in publication order, the same rule doesn't really have to apply for a movie or series. I've actually heard that there are some who read LWW first (the most logical way to start) and MN second (given that it's a prequel to LWW)...
  20. jasmine tarkheena


    Has anyone on here ever done genealogy or know anything about their family history? I am of Italian descent. My surname, "Laury" is of Italian origin, "Lauro". My great-great-great grandparents immigrated from Italy and they were among those who established the Little Italy in New York City...