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  1. Hermit of Archenland

    Could Narnia ever be banned?

    A few months ago it was reported that some of the famous Dr Seuss books are being withdrawn from publication because of 'racist imagery.' Now the Chronicles of Narnia have frequently been accused of promoting racism, sexism, colonialism and goodness knows how many other offences against...
  2. Hermit of Archenland

    Lewis Youtube doodles

    I was drawing people's attention to a YouTube channel with illustrations (or 'doodles') of narrations of Lewis' nonfiction works, mainly at present 'Mere Christianity, 'The Four Loves' and parts of the Screwtape Letters. There were doodles of other essays including 'The Abolition of Man' but...
  3. Hermit of Archenland

    No Longer A Friend Of Narnia

    No Longer A Friend Of Narnia Part 1 Susan Pevensie finished applying her lipstick then examined herself critically in the mirror. She gave her most winning smile, but after a second the expression faded and Susan sighed with exasperation. She really did not want to go to that party tonight but...
  4. Hermit of Archenland

    Seeking the Lost - A Narnia Story

    A story I've had in mind for a while , although only the first chapter has been written. There are only three or four chapters planned, but I can't guarantee the others will appear that soon. Narnia and all associated characters are the creation of C. S. Lewis Seeking the Lost- A Narnia Story...
  5. Hermit of Archenland

    This World is Enough

    Just something I wrote some time ago, exploring how Lucy might have discovered Aslan's identity in our world. Narnia and the Pevenies are the creation of C. S. Lewis. I own nothing except the plot. This world is enough Part One “Dearest, you and your brother will never return to Narnia!”...
  6. Hermit of Archenland


    Granted that Narnia is not really an allegory, we can still give symbolic meanings to many characters, e.g. Peter representing heroism and Lucy faith. So what do we make of Puddleglum? To me he represents absolute faith without any prospect of reward. Despite his pessimism Puddleglums faith in...
  7. Hermit of Archenland

    How old is Lucy in LWW and PC?

    How old do you think Lucy is in LWW and PC? According to the "Official Timeline" she is 8 and 9. But in PC she is going to boarding school for the first time which would make her 11 there and 10 in LWW. Personally I think the latter makes more sense, otherwise we have too big a gap between SC...
  8. Hermit of Archenland


    Hello everyone, I'm new to this site and this is the first thread I've posted. I'm wondering what people think of the Earthsea novels of Ursula LeGuin. For me the original Trilogy (A Wizard of Earthsea, The Tombs of Atuan and The Farthest Shore) was one of the greatest fantasy series of all...