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  1. Specter

    Tumnus’ Bookshelf: The NarniaFans Book Reviews: Once a Queen by Sarah Arthur

    Hey, everybody! Welcome back to Tumnus’ Bookshelf, where we review any and all books written by, about, and inspired by CS Lewis, The Land of Narnia, and The Inklings. For today’s review, we will be looking at Sarah Arthur’s novel Once a Queen. TITLE: Once A Queen AUTHOR: Sarah Arthur...
  2. Specter

    Narnia Fans Discord

    Agreed. I wish it was more active.
  3. Specter

    Tom Bombadil Sings His Way Into The Rings of Power!

    Fellow Narnia Fans, buckle up for a detour into Middle-earth! J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, the creative minds behind The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia, were close friends who shared a love for mythology and all things fantastical. So, while is all about Aslan...
  4. Specter

    Ghostbusters (Who you gonna call?)

    Yeah, that Narnia reference in Frozen Empire was awesome. And they also had a reference to Middle-Earth! As for the cyclotron, that's exactly what the pack has in it. The particles, I believe, are neutrinos. The energy level is dependant on the class of entity that they are fighting.
  5. Specter

    The Rings of Power returns with Season 2! Here’s the teaser!

    As most of you know, J.R.R. Tolkien, the mastermind behind The Lord of the Rings, and C.S. Lewis, the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, were great friends. As fans of both literary giants, we’re thrilled that Netflix is working on their Chronicles of Narnia series. However, while there’s a lot...
  6. Specter

    Through a New Wardrobe: The NarniaFans Interview Series: Uncovering Once a Queen with Sarah Arthur Part 1of 2.

    Hey, everybody! Welcome back to “Through a New Wardrobe”, where we sit down and chat with some of today’s hottest writers who have been influenced by CS Lewis and the Land of Narnia. For today’s interview we sit down with author Sarah Arthur and discuss her new novel Once A Queen. NARNIAFANS...
  7. Specter

    APRIL FOOLS 2024!

    Well, folks, another April Fools has come and gone. This year, I kept it simple and only did one. However, because our Facebook page had been hacked last year, that meant that many of our loyal readers on the book of faces got to miss out on our shenanigans last year, and our fearless leader and...
  8. Specter

    BREAKING: Greta Gerwig’s Narnia Reboot For Netflix Promises To Be The First In A New “Ground Breaking Animated Franchise”

    In a recent interview Greta Gerwig hinted that production for Narnia wasn’t slated to begin until later this year. While the WAG and SAG strikes played a big part in that, sources close to the production indicate that this delay could be beneficial to the final product, as both Gerwig and...
  9. Specter

    Ghostbusters (Who you gonna call?)

    That's mostly true. The word Aykroyd uses to describe his grandfather is Spiritualist. He was interested in the supernatural world, as Dan is.
  10. Specter

    Ghostbusters (Who you gonna call?)

    Wow! Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire builds on the solid foundation of Ghostbusters: Afterlife. And it even has a quick joke that mentions Narnia! I continue to love this franchise. It's up there with my favorite franchises of all time.
  11. Specter


    Author Sarah Arthur is no stranger to NarniaFans, or for that matter fans of fantasy, having already contributed some delightful YA devotional books on CS Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, and JRR Tolkien’s The Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings as well as serving as a founding board...
  12. Specter

    Celebrate Advent with Hallow and CS Lewis

    It seems that since 2020, more people have been looking for helpful apps to assist with time management, mindfulness, and even with things like sleep and daily devotions. It’s any wonder with the constant cycle of bad news through TV, the news paper and social media, that people would seek ways...
  13. Specter

    Barbie director Greta Gerwig confirmed for Narnia at Netflix

    The New Yorker, in a very large piece around Hasbro films, has confirmed that Greta Gerwig has a deal with Netflix to direct two films in its’ Chronicles of Narnia adaptation series. This was news that we reported about a long time ago, and, honestly, didn’t doubt the truth to the rumor...
  14. Specter

    Our Narnia Fans Facebook Page is Back in Our Control

    You may have noticed that we’ve been very quiet for most of this year. This isn’t because of a lack of Narnia news. There has been some great stuff, and we’re planning on getting all caught up on that over the coming weeks, as we report new stuff as well. There were many reasons we’ve been...
  15. Specter

    It's Been Awhile..

    Hey hey! Welcome back, brother! I was very pleased to see you here!
  16. Specter

    Star Wars -- ONE thread for all Star Wars - ALL Star Wars here

    Okay, I am not following. This is all really confusing to me. If you would like me to understand, explain it to me like I am completely new to what you are saying, because I am.
  17. Specter

    Star Wars -- ONE thread for all Star Wars - ALL Star Wars here

    I see. You mean like in Rebels?
  18. Specter

    Star Wars -- ONE thread for all Star Wars - ALL Star Wars here

    Not sure what you're referencing.
  19. Specter

    "lipstick, nylons and invitations"

    As I stated much longer ago... how do we know that he didn't? We have zero evidence that he did not even have conversations with his wife about this. Thought today is, decidedly different than thought 70 years ago, no? I think he had. And he, when writing these books was still older than most of...
  20. Specter

    “The First Joke”… In Three Years. APRIL FOOLS 2023!

    Well, friends, another April Fools has come and gone. If you don’t know what it is, learn about it here. For those of us who write for website such as this, April Fools is pretty much our version of decorating for Christmas or Halloween. Something fun to break the monotony of what we do and just...