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  1. marleybug

    Essay Proofreading

    I have found that writing essays and then proofreading and finding all of the mistakes is very hard. I know I am not the only one with this problem. So I thought that this would be a good place for people to post there essays and have people proofread them. This essay on The Red Badge of...
  2. marleybug

    My Jewelry

    Well I thought that my beading could have its own spot separate from my picture thread so here it is! It is also interactive(I think thats the word I'm looking for). The concept is that I'll post a picture of pendant, bead, or a color of bead and people make suggestions on what I should do...
  3. marleybug

    Click through/Mystery games

    I don't own anything to play games on other than the computer and I don't really like using anything other than the mouse or keyboard to play them. So I play a lot click through games(at least thats what I call them). For example Nancy Drew Games, Agatha Christie games, and Benoit Sokal games...
  4. marleybug

    Marleybug's Stuff

    Well...I like to make jewelry and take/edit pictures and I figured I should show you all some of what I've made. If you want any of my pictures please ask first. There may be some that I don't want people to have, but not many! Also if you want me to make you anything or resize any picture for...