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    I Wonder who could play the Green Witch??

    Good even' fine gents and ladies, new discussion! Who should play white er green whitch. Got to be bveautiful and majestic and slightly manipulating plus evil Who do youuuuuuuthink??????
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    Do you beleive there is a Narnia?

    [I]Do you beleive there is another world than the one we live in? A new place? Waiting for it to be discovered, that proves everything we've ever dreamed of is not a fantasy but a reality?[/[SIZE=3]I] Ara
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    What ever happened to Polly??

    Okay folks, correct me if I'm wrong, We know that Digory is the Proffessor, so what ever happened to Polly!!! Is she Mrs.Macready??? If you know, please tell all!
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    All the RPGs!

    Hi everyone, Not to sound like a pain, but all these are RPG's don't actually have to do with the Dawn Treader. Maybe someone could create a section jsut for RPG?????? Ara
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    Who should Play Jill and Who should Play Eustace???

    Who, who? We are all wondering who. Who do you think should be our charcaters? Let me know Ara :rolleyes:
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    Future Cast!

    Hey everyone, who will play Caspain's wife IF movie ever made and who will play Caspain? Who's going to play our favorite characters!!???? Personally, I think Hayden Christen would make a great Caspian. What about his wife? Also, does Caspian's wife EVER get a name besides Caspian's...
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    Who should play Polly???

    The very important subject is who's playing who if they make the Magician's Nephew! I'd like to here who you think will play who. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect Polly. Ara :)