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  1. uniquemonke

    Tia's Art.....*scared*

    Hey I've been told I make great banners and stuff according to my friends. So I have finally decided that I will make a thread of them. This is very scary, lol. This is some of my work. I'll post more. They are getting way better, the more I do.
  2. uniquemonke

    How did you get your name(username)?

    Hey, let's see how each other made up our usernames, or if you want, say how you made your name you go by on here. Have FUN! :) I made mine uniquemonke, because I love monkeys and I am very unique(silly) *I don't know if there is another thread like this, but if there is, we can just get...
  3. uniquemonke

    Least Favorite movie

    oh well, i said i wasnt sure it is my least favorite, i am a opptomistic person so i dont lik sadness, the beginning is very sad thats why i didnt lik it, but the rest was pretty good, just i lik most movies so i coudnt think of anything
  4. uniquemonke

    Least Favorite movie

    This is going to sound crazy but my least favorite movie is probably Finding Nemo, but i luv dori, just its a very depressing movie, but i can probably think of a movie ii hate more, but i hav to think bout it