Search results

  1. Alices


    Ugh, not sure if I'm posting this to the right place, so please move it if it's wrong. Do you have any tattoos? Could you ever take one? Do you like them? Why / why not? Just asking for fun. I have one, took it when I had just turned 17. I'm going to take a second one later this year, it's...
  2. Alices

    Recommend a book

    I would really love if you could recommend me some great fantasy books! The last five years I've read like two books I think and they both sucked. But since I read the Narnia series last year I got all into it and looking forward to discover something new. I'm now reading Twilight and loving...
  3. Alices


    Any fans of the Jeff Lindsays brilliant Dexter books or the tv series? I love both of them. Maybe the tv series even more though the books are great too. Michael C.Hall does perfect job playing Dexter, couldn't imagine anyone else playing him. I'm so hooked to the show and I think Dexter Morgan...
  4. Alices

    Mac vs PC

    Which one? For me, definitely Mac. PCs are for amateurs :D And I think this pic says it all.. (on the left Mr. PC, on the right Mr. Mac)
  5. Alices

    Narnia translations

    I know there are a lot of people from different countries and I'm just curious that have they translated the names of the books and movies into someting else or is it just a direct translate into your language? Like in here The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is translated into Caspian's Journey to...