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  1. Nessa

    Nessa's Picture Playground

    I deciced to share some of my artwork. Most of my work is photoshop-art, although if I'm feeling very brave I might post my drawings too hehe. I've decided to start off with this pic because it was the one I was working on when I accidently made my avatar pic. It's called Believe!
  2. Nessa

    Started in Narnia

    One of the things I've found interesting about the Last Battle is because it is the only book (if you don't count Horse and his Boy which is set in the Golden Age) that starts in Narnia itself, and people from our world "come" there, rather than "go" there. That's how it is set up in the book...
  3. Nessa

    Edmund and Aslan ~ A short story

    Well, I thought I would would share with you one of the very few stories that I've actually finished. I love writing, stories and poems, but I vary rarely get very far with the stories. This one however I managed to finish. It just happens to be a Narnian one, so I thought I'd share :)...