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  1. WillsGirl

    Inspired by Lewis

    So I got this idea about 3 years about and started writing but never finished. I just found it again and thought I'd share it. See, this idea was inspired completely by C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters.... Letter One Dear Hilkiah, I noticed you have a new child to work on. He seems to be a...
  2. WillsGirl

    Perfect Family?

    Hey, my friends and I were talking about this the other day and it was REALLY interesting. See everyone kind of has these preconcieved ideas about their "perfect family" See I kind of want my perfect guy's name to be Will or William. (HONESTLY it has NOTHING to do with william moseley, it's my...
  3. WillsGirl

    The Gate Checkers!

    Alright so TECHNICALLY I am a ranger, but this is going to be a new group! The gate checkers! We even have our own theme song! Dun Dun Dun!!!! Okay so it's not going to be TOTALLY exclusive but I DID start the thread and I AM appointing myself leader of the gate checkers.... hmm... or perhaps...
  4. WillsGirl


    What kind of work outs does everyone do? What gives the most results, what's the easiest but still does the body good? Anyone?
  5. WillsGirl

    The Reflection Room (A SHORT story)

    The Reflection Room Have you ever gone through a time where you feel like you’re supposed to be doing something every minute of every day? Have you ever been so busy or caught up with life that you can’t even analyze yourself anymore? That place you get when you finally stop and think about how...
  6. WillsGirl

    Madison Bridges (A Short Story)

    Okay I had an assignment to write a SHORT story and I'm really NOT good with limitations in my writing so this story is kind of lame and it still isn't finished yet but if you have anything nice or encouraging critisism feel free! I “Madi!” 18 year old Michael Deffer ran into the two-story...
  7. WillsGirl

    Band Banner Competition!

    Okay, so I know this band and they are just about ready to be launched into fame and I was thinking of how cool it would be to have people make different kinds of banners for the band as a contest and then get the actual band to decide which one they like the best. So here is a link to about 100...
  8. WillsGirl

    Banner Contests!!!

    Okay.... I wanted to start some banner contests because it's always fun to see how people do the same project in different ways... Here's how it works... There will be a Title (And sometimes provided pictures) for those who wish to participate and then a dealine. Those who get there entrys...
  9. WillsGirl

    Edmund & Eustace, Not who they seem!

    Okay, most people freak when they hear some of my favorite characters in Narnia are Edmund and Eustace, "Why them? The Traitor and the Ass?" I don't think it's that simple. Edmund was upset about a lot of things. The War, his father, the fact that Peter and Susan were taking over as his parents...
  10. WillsGirl

    Lost Boy's Nadia

    Nadia’s eyes snapped open and adjusted to the themselves to the darkness. She tried to rub the sleepiness from her eyes as she quietly stepped into the hall leading to her parents bedroom. Gunfire and screams could be heard outside. Nadia pushed the fear out of her lungs and forced herself to...
  11. WillsGirl

    Reigning Tears: The Wrong War

    Okay here is the thread for my newest story! I need to find my notes again and I'm pressed for time so check back tomorrow I PROMISE I will post SOMETHING. You guys are all GREAT! Thanks for being so encouraging!
  12. WillsGirl

    "Hidden Dreamer" (my songs and poems)

    I guess... I just want another place to get my feelings out. And I wouldn't mind some feed back. I mean... I do kind of want to know if I'm on the right trach here. I LOVE to sing but I don't have a lot of expieriance writing lyrics so... I'm just going to post some things. I wrote this song...
  13. WillsGirl

    What She Witnessed RPG

    Okay this RPG is all based on my story. The Rules are as follows. The RPG does NOT start untill the story is finished! (Which should be VERY soon.) All players MUST have read the story. (So they know what they are doing.) ALL characters MUST be taken before we start. Now You PM me who you want...
  14. WillsGirl

    Would You Play?

    Hey guys! I am thinking about starting a new RPG based off of my story... What She Witnessed, but I wonted to see if it was worth it or if people would play. I would like to get the story pretty much finished before I start the RPG but please vote so I know if this is a good idea or not. :) THANKS!
  15. WillsGirl

    Some Banners and Icons NO REQUESTS

    Hello everyone. I stumbled across a bunch of these things that were openly offered so I thought I would post them here. I do NOT make banners OR icons so don't ask me to. But you are welcome to these!