Search results

  1. N

    New Narnia Country RPG

    Hey, you guys might remeber me talking about a country RPG once before. Well, that did not work out so well. I am going to try to start another one. But I will not have sign ups at this forum. I will have it at the forum where the game will be held. if you would like to participate in this...
  2. N

    Narnia RPG

    Ok any one want to start an RP where you are the leader of one of the countries in Narnia? You don't have to conqure the world just spasific goals. Like The leader of narnia must last this long against all enimies, and Archenland must make sure Narnia must not fall, etc. So any one want to...
  3. N

    Need help with info about Narnia

    Hi all, As you can tell I am new here and if I am posting this in the wrong section please move it to the right one. Ok, I am going to make a moddification for a game called Rome:Total War. But instead of Rome it will be Narnia. I really need some help on the information on Narnia. I will...